
too much stuff to watch: Legends of Tomorrow, the 100, Orphan Black,Archer, Vikings

considering Barry's master plan led to Wally's kidnapping so soon after another dumb plan led to Earth-2 Joe's death I still think Zoom is smarter.

He's such a Pete Yorn

I like Best of You and Home.


It's in the same vein of superfluous spinoffs as Fear the Walking Dead. But not quite that bad.

I tend to watch for Sara, Ray, Martin and Snart.

I'd say he's handling his insecurity fairly well. I mean my problem with Ray is probably that he kind of lets women walk over him.

yes but I have forgotten the explanation. I watched all the episodes but the last few have been kind of boring.

when she bangs a guy other than Carter that dude's life gets ruined.

totally not what they were going for

I thought he was Thor

The king wanted to bang the count and the count's sister. But like at different times.


NOOOOOO!!! He's the reason I watch.

Aslaug went to the Mike Milligan School of Lowered Expectations

I meant to add that she's pretending to be MK. No ones looking for Beth

curse you history channel for not airing the repeat right after the episode airs like everyone everywhere on cable.

Black Hardwick

would it be a shitty twist if MK sacrificed herself to fake Beth's death so Beth could bring down Dyad?