
Paul is like an action figure…take him out of his box, play with him and then put him back.

I'm thinking Cosima didn't know much. It sounds like Beth was keeping quiet on the details about MK.

is MK supposed to be Veera from the comics or should we not expect to see Veera?

I had the opposite reaction…this episode seemed to clarify all the stuff on the show that never made sense to me. Beth's shooting, Beth's relationships with Art and Paul, that weirdo with the tail…to me it almost seemed like a love letter to the fans…it put stuff in context that I was kind of annoyed never had been.

I almost thought the look worked for Beth. She's someone not comfortable in her own skin and to me it looks like her clothes are literally too big for her. Like there's a part of her that feels like she's this little girl projecting being a cop more than actually being one. Everything about her life was an act she had

I loved this episode for so many reasons.

even after he gets killed off Paul still finds time to take his shirt off

the guy who does the song "Take Me To Church"?

damn I'm stupid…I didn't know he wasn't British.

what was so awful about the episode that it got a low score?

because she banged Oliver immediately after Tommy dumped her because she was still in love with Oliver which she denied to Tommy?

Yeah my problem in season 1 was that Laurel was always about choosing which man to bang. Then season 2 she was a disaster what with Tommy's death and the booze.

Let's hope Quentin adopts Felicity after he marries her mother and Felicity takes his name.

Indeed. I thought Laurel was a fool for picking Oliver over Tommy. Tommy went out a hero for saving a girl who never loved him that was obsessed with the ex who banged her sister and fathered a kid behind her back.

that's how I feel. A part of the real reason I hated Laurel was because she hopped in the sack after Tommy dumped her…and he dumped her because he knew she was into Oliver despite her denials…and then Tommy died for her. GRRR I hated her so much.


I mainly watch so I can see Diggle scowl when the white characters do something moronic that he clearly warned them not to do. It's like my favorite aspect of Arrow.

Yeah that's probably how Tommy felt.

personally by season 3 I felt they fixed Laurel's problems. I hated her in seasons 1 and 2 but putting her on the Black Canary path made her bearable and integrated her into the shows main plots as more than a damsel in distress.

Off White Canary