
no just his regular brother.

I had a former work friend who I'd come to detest and now that he's moved to a new job I think of that line whenever I think of him.

I think Malcolm's father was just his era's Batman and he and the wife used to party with Jonas.

Supposedly he got help with the cloning from Ben the guy who lives in Potter's field…I never got who he was supposed to be to the Venture family though.

He's like the Mycroft Holmes of super science. He's got the smarts but he's too lazy to put forth effort.

Man seeks a good time, but he is not a hedonist. He seeks love, he just
doesn't know where to look! He looks under the beds of whores and in
the hot stem of a crack pipe, but he should look to nature! Gentle
aquatic mammals have all the answers!

His grandfather Lloyd was a super genius.

Is this the same polar bear from Lost that Monarch unleashed on his date?

I've always thought the whole reason Monarch arched Rusty is because Rusty told everyone at college how gay Monarch's butterfly poems are.

I hope so. When he didn't kill Redusa (sp?) I felt…unfulfilled. That's not my Monarch.

Venture Bros is one of favorite shows…but this was the first episode that didn't click with me at all.

They experiment with something new every season.

I love dogs, I thought the dog was adorable…but I cackled uncontrollably when Mac announced Dennis had ate Dennis Jr.

which man? They had a lot of people over for Thanksgiving.

I need at least one "goddammit" from Dee per episode

I'm not really a fan of the episodes that focus on the Dennis/Mac relationship.

I heard he almost drowned during a scene this season.

be gone with you

If that registered a blip on your weird meter then you're new to the show.

the dimples