
you don't…but you do have to keep him alive long enough to get that relationship

prediction: that won't happen because Jay is Zoom

the filler was tar

killing a murderer to save your daughter…I wouldn't shed any tears for Turtle.

They are narrowing down the number of portals Zoom can come through. They should have reinforced that idea more by closing more than one.

Fringe and the Arrowverse are just too Multiverses in a vast fictional omniverse where Franklin Richards and Tommy Westphall dream up entertainment for the masses.

Blue Zoidberg and Gold Bender from Farnsworth Parabox will always be my gold standard.

Zoom is not the other Jay because he is Jay.

Commander William T. Riker: This is not a Klingon ship, sir!
Kurn: No, Commander, it is not. If it were a Klingon ship, I would've killed you for offering your suggestion.

they went through several episodes last season acknowledging it. I mean I just think it's rude to always compare this guy you barely know to his alternate self when really you just knew the time traveler who killed that guy and took his place.

I know that annoyed me too. It's like you wish Harrison Wells Earth- 1 ghost could sue for slander.

I don't think Barry and Wally are going to get along at first. Barry was raised by Joe and Wally wasn't.

yet…he's not dating him yet

It was his cheaper to hire cousin.

Oliver sends out a facebook post that Felicity was paralyzed in an attack by Damien Darhk. Cisco hit the like button.

aint nobody got time for Felicity…there's tar monsters afoot

I like the West stuff. It's like they're a real family but black. (I kid I kid)

Either he's Zoom or he exists solely to be pretty

So…Zoom is Jay right?

When Barry was gushing all over Harry I was hoping Harry would say: