So his wife is as selfish and clueless as he is. What a perfect match.
So his wife is as selfish and clueless as he is. What a perfect match.
It tracks that the Cruzes have the kind of shitty “friends” who won’t tell them a senator going to Cancun while his constituents freeze to death is a bad idea, but will tattle on them to the New York Times.
As an engineer, I have found that asking people who know how to do things that I don’t know how to do is a really fantastic way to not waste hours teaching myself how to do it.
I also distinctly remember learning how to use a manual can opener to open a can of cranberry sauce for a Sunday dinner. My grandfather narrated the entire thing like it was a horse race and it was a victory when I made it all the way around the lid.
A big factor in this kind of performative parenting is the degree of exposure the kid gets nowadays thanks to internet and social media, even if the parent doesn’t name them or blurs their face etc. The exposure, embarrassment and shaming factor isn’t comparable to even just ten years ago, or what most parents would…
Right. Usually “teachable moments” involve teaching.
My mom did this exact thing too. I don’t know why but we did have a washer/dryer in the house. It is still something I wonder about...
Yeah, it’s so strange he seemed to think there were only two options: open the can for her or let her struggle, hungry for six hours.
I’d be fine with this if Bean Kid already knew how to use the can opener but just wanted Bean Dad to do it. Evidently she’s nine years old which is plenty old enough to be able to use one.
When I was about eleven, my mother announced that henceforth she would no longer do my laundry. I would be responsible for my own clothing.. Bit of a problem, though. She gave me no instructions and oh yeah...the building we lived in at the time didn’t have a fucking laundry room. The laundromat was about fours blocks…
The college libertarian dude who was all about bootstrapping (yet saved up his laundry for his mother) grew up to be some poor kid’s dad.
My mom bought me a really nice kid’s dictionary when I was a kid. One time, I was reading some version of the Pied Piper, I came across the the word “plague,” which I had never seen before, and I asked her what it meant, and she pointed me to the very nice dictionary she had brought me, and told me to look it up…
Teaching her how to do something can simply mean, you know, just showing her how to use a can opener. It takes 10 seconds and is a great lesson. In fact, no joke, I remember when my own dad showed me how to open a can of diced tomatoes. Guess what, it worked, because afterwards I always could open cans and am now a…
I ain’t no watcha call pro-fessional parent, but seems ta me....if yer youngin can’t cypher out how ta use a can opener in like...I dunno...five er ten minutes, perhaps a lil bit of instruction might be a more helpful way of teachin’ a skill. But hell....maybe that kinda child-rearin’ would put us on the path ta…
When my 10 year old does not know how to do something he never done before, I teach him. How novel is that? Those six hours wasted could have been a good time spent your kid, not seen them frustrated trying to open a can of beans.
This dude sounds like a Complete Asshole. Assuming his daughter is under the age of 12 and literally can’t just walk into the kitchen and fix themselves a sandwich this is basically child abuse.
Dist Attorney’s Office
Yes, she was.