
I’d say go for both. These morons need all the scorn they can get.

She can think what she wants about what happened to her, she can say what she wants too, she just can’t expect anyone to shut up and nod their heads when she decides other victims she’s never met are responsible for being raped. I don’t think ANYBODY who victim blames rape survivors are making a valid point.Why do

Thank you! What people always seem to miss in cases like these (which are all too common) is that the so-called ‘persecuted’ conservative Christians don’t so much see themselves as victims of genocide or slavery or whatever the issue du jour is as they just don’t think those things were all that bad.

I have to wonder if they’ve gone to Plan B, which is having no plan or strategy (clearly) but being impressively stupid will keep them in the headlines. I guess if you can’t batter someone with intelligence, you can just batter someone with your general presence. I guess you could say that’s working?

the Nazi’s would’ve killed you for both, so might as well be doubly offended at her terribleness.

I mean technically as an elected official she has a right to due process before being removed from her position, sure. In this case she would have to be impeached or formally disciplined in order to be removed permanently from being a clerk, which would involve hearings and evidence. She had plenty of due process

That stood out to me, too. Apparently Davis has the “right” to keep that specific position, yet somehow she is the one persecuted when she refuses to perform her job duties and instead uses that same position to deny others their Constitutional rights. The mental cartwheels these people perform are really amazing.

State government is the BEST.

Right. She’s trying to look for a way she could have controlled the situation to reassure herself subconsciously that it wouldn’t happen again. It is sad.

I identify as Christian, and it dismays me to no end how Christians seem to always feel that they’re under attack or being “discriminated against”. New flash: losing unearned privileges that you earned solely based upon your religious affiliation is not “discrimination” nor “persecution”. Not being able to use your

It’s blatant truth that most women are raped by someone they know, making all of that irrelevant.

Noting that making certain choices increases the likelihood of a bad result isn’t ascribing “fault,” in either a moral or legal sense. Deciding to take on more risk purely for oneself (for instance, by climbing a dangerous mountain) is morally neutral of itself - but it’s neither incorrect nor judgmental to note that

The vast, vast majority of rapes aren’t committed by strangers, though, which is what makes all the “how not to get raped” advice so ludicrous. It’s very rarely a “criminal” jumping out of the bushes—it's your friend, or coworker, or family member, or neighbor. Some rapes are absolutely crimes of opportunity committed

Yeah, I’m not really sure how far Kim Davis’ lawyer has thought this Nazi comparison out. You know who was persecuted and killed in Nazi Germany (besides Jews, of course)? Gay people. In this analogy, whom does Kim Davis represent?

“She has a right to this employment.” Uh, sure. And if I refused to do my job, I’d be losing it too.

Eh, I’d be a little more accepting of her answer if she didn’t try to pull the ol’ switcheroo of “we should be paying attention to this crisis, not something silly ‘ol me said!”

If she had only discussed her views on her own rape, then fine. That would still be wrong (it was obviously not her fault that she was raped), but she’s allowed to feel a certain way about her experience. However, she did make it clear during the interview that women who are raped and wear less clothing are asking for

Yeah, the one thing I do like about this is that she’s saying, essentially, “Look, this is my take, but I never claimed it was an informed opinion and it’s kinda on you if you expected it to be.”

I know she is an iconic figure, but seriously, she’s right - since when did she become an authority on rape? I don’t know why we expect our entertainers to be paragons of virtue and sages when they’re famous for being entertainers. Let’s worry when actual “authorities on rape” spout nonsense, not when aging rock stars