
There’s occasional strides, yes, but it IS mostly baby steps. That is the way history marches— and, in the case of women’s history, it often has to tiptoe daintily forward because it’s in a hobble-skirt. So many people don’t seem to get that Clinton’s Presidency is important because it means that women’s history has

*nods* The classic! I need to give it a re-re-re-read to see how it holds up today. Terminology born then that we’re still tailoring & reusing today. Do they teach this book in every college freshman core curriculum yet? (If no, why, dammit?)

Yep 95. When Clinton got the nom officially I was flooded with memories of how she was treated as FLOTUS. I honestly cried thinking about all shit she’s had to wade through to get here. It was bad. Real old school misogyny was thrown at her and dredged up in the 90's. Barely 20 years ago. And not much changes as Mrs.

Please note, that my tempered support - or as you term it “distrust,” not a word I used - comes from a voting record I would wish were more in line with Progressive beliefs. And I am aware that people can and do change their minds and positions. The addition/acceptance of some of these issues into her platform has

And 1992 was “the year of the woman” because the number of female senators doubled. Which means it went from two to four.

The store was divided in two sections: Boys / Girls. My little girl does wear blue. I think you're missing the point. Likely intentionally.

Seriously— hindsight is what brings the picture into focus.

I buy my daughter clothes from the “boy” section all the time. She has a bib that says “Little Genius” in navy blue because the girls’ option said “Little Princess” and neither of her mothers are queens. When I pointed it out to the owner of the store, she (yes! a woman!!) said “Parents of little girls just don’t buy

Sounds like it maybe! Doesn’t that put the arc of women’s treatment in the culture— AND Hillary Clinton’s in greater particular— into perspective? She baked the damn cookies. She did it because it had to be done. (In microcosm, I think that’s just 1 good reason to vote for her, because she’s willing to do the

I was about to say, I graduated high school in 1995. I don’t remember it being quite this sexist. But then I forgot about the cookie incident. Damn. Perspective.

Baby clothes are SO gendered. Girl things are all pink and lavender and frilly and sparkly, while boy things are all sports and trucks and sexually charged innuendos. (Seriously, those “ladies man” onesies make me want to hurl.) Why can’t kids just be kids?

my mom immediately adopted her cookie recipe, too!

And in those days, their hate still carried enough weight that, when she was criticized for her remark about not making cookies, she then went on to do damage-control by MAKING COOKIES. That had to sting like hell! But she never gives up and she didn’t give up. And now, thank glob, she’s getting her own back now. <3

The “Big Girl” section at my Target has Future President t-shirts. It is grey- I wanted to get one for my 6 year old but she informed me she “had plenty of grey t-shirts already”. Not the point kid!!!

And other countries already had female heads of state... more than one in some cases. How pathetically backwards we must appear to the rest of the world.

Target also had a bunch of “I want to be Batman’s girlfriend” shirts in the little girl’s section, which is a good way to get “fridged”.

I love your friend. Thank her for me.

I love Target and they are definitely ahead of a lot of similar stores (looking at you, Walmart) but their kids clothing division is a little rough. Presumably this is a buyer issue, but I regularly see things that are just a little off (the typical girls are sweet and nice and boys play sports things) and

I LOVE that joke, and appreciate his self-awareness. Seriously, I'd rather be working-class in our current era than rich in the Victorian era, no contest.