
And there’s is of the very few queer people who actually see any real change either. The gay rights movement is represented by white cis men and so we get the rights they want - to marry and have support for their partners from HR and the like. Those are great things, but trans people, butch lesbians, femmy men, all

This gets at the ugly truth that no one wants to talk about: Why have LGBT rights come so far, so fast in America? Because middle/upper class white men are the faces of the movement.

Beat me to it. Are we crying because ERASURE OF BLACK TRANS WOMEN? I think I have some tears for that. Not only do they have the audacity to use the phrase “unsung heroes” (because no one ever gives credit to the white men dontcha know) but they actually have him throw the first brick?!?!? MADNESS.

So? You said yourself that the writer, director, and producer are all gay men. Shouldn’t they portray this accurately, to the best of their ability? I get that they’re not going to please everyone, but to take such a symbolic act (the throwing of the first brick) away from Marsha P. Johnson, a black trans woman who

Yes. It’s entirely possible for the cis, white gay men who produced, directed, and wrote this move to have bias towards trans people of color, specifically trans women of color. It’s entirely possible that they wanted to frame this event in a way that makes a cis white gay man seem like the hero, not only because it

You don’t want people to have to think about more than one axis of difference at a time. Give the white guy a chance to be at the center of a story for once.

1.) There are trans actors who would gladly and more accurately portray the role.

Ugh. This is probably completely accurate. Even when they write a movie about the human rights movement of other people, they must ensure the white cis dudes can ‘relate’. If white cis dudes could relate though, we wouldn’t have need the fucking movement in the first place!

Oh come off it. That white gay man took her place as the brick thrower. The movie is about a white dude that never existed in a historical story in which trans women and lesbians lead the charge. You can stick her (on the sidelines. Ill be keeping my $1000) in there all you like but it means shit when her

Seriously. Did they do any research at all? Go google Stonewall images and you’ll find a shitload of pics of trans women of colour and dykes getting arrested and being badass. All it takes is one little google search! This is ridiculous.

THANK YOU. Fucking hell, fellow white folks, we have GOT to stop doing this shit. A cursory examination of the history of Stonewall would tell you that the majority and driving force behind this were gender non-conforming queers of color. Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and the others deserve so, SO much better than

That is some bullshit.

Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

If we’re making generalizations... there are more city poor than rural poor. And most city poor actually don’t have enough opportunities for outdoor camp activities, especially in large or neglected cities. I’m not denying the need for summer camps everywhere, but don’t leave out the urban poor in this summer camp

You win. This is to insane to not be true. That was incredibly terrifying to read - so - hats off Writer Dumbbelle.

That is all great for poor kids who happen to live someplace with YMCAs or even organized charities and the people to support those charities. What nobody in this thread is stopping to think about is what happens to the rural poor? People who don’t live in places where there are charities and/or can’t get to places to

Oh, my God, that is hilariously terrible!

Now that’s a camp story!

Yep. My memories of summer camps come from the books I read and lived vicariously through.

Told this before but: Parents came up visiting day. Once they had us hopped up on red dye#whatever from the pistachios and sugar high on “Now or Laters” they announced that when we came home , mommy and daddy would no longer be living together. But I’m not bitter and I look forward to people’s stories of bunk raid