Easy for people like you to hate me, sure, but I don't know why you'd hate me based simply on political opinions. Seems a little extreme :\
Easy for people like you to hate me, sure, but I don't know why you'd hate me based simply on political opinions. Seems a little extreme :\
I'm talking about Fallout 1 and 2. You can kill children in those and get a perk for it.
You got me there, though I expect one of his sons or someone else to be stated on the record as being in control of whatever money comes in from oversees.
Yet all of you desperately want it to be true, so much so that you are assuming it's real. smh
Touche, though the informant of the fake information seems moot when the information is, after all, fake.
Saying that it was debunked does not make it so. Sources or gtfo.
Sources please.
lol @3rd wave feminists
"which says some interesting things about how the Trump administration works"
I'll see your alcoholism and raise you an OCD and generalized anxiety disorder. I don't have action figures, but I am a PC Master Racist.
Time for the Saint of Killers to start some proper redemption. Also, I'm still waiting for Odin to get his carnophilia on.
Am I the only one who didn't like this episode? I would have liked to know why those specific gods are there and why their power is so dwarfed by Lucifer's. Kali however brought up a valid point, talking about arrogant Westerners. How is it that a Judeo-Christian Heaven and Hell hold more sway in the universe than the…