
Even before banning manually driven vehicles, once self driving cars can get to the point of being much much better than the average human driver, the accident rate could be driven down dramatically (think of even just the massive sensor advantages an autonomous car could have). Especially considering that many

Well, they could eventually eliminate the 30,000+ motor vehicle deaths in the US per year, including 2,000 of whom are children.

I wonder post-dieselgate if they actually did overestimate pollution, or underestimate! CARB started to notice discrepancies back in 2011.

... This isn’t about his financial woes, it’s about the average person’s access to healthcare. I don’t think you’ll find anywhere in (these particular) monologues where he bemoans his own financial situation.

I am a huge autonomous car proponent, so to speak, and expect them to become mainstream well before most people do. But I would be very very unnerved to ride in one at this point that doesn’t have an emergency stop! I mean even elevators had them until recently!

The trunk is fine, and as I suspect the rear seats are almost never used (I know mine never are), once you fold them flat you’ve got plenty of room.

I turn my nose up at both, thank you very much. :)

Not really. the delta-v (e.g. speed needed to get to orbit) is much more significant than the gravitational potential energy.

Yeah. When I read it I thought “I bet your challenger could have done it too.” But then I saw the conditions...

My wife’s car has all of those doodads (a subaru legacy). I really don’t find them intrusive as they essentially never go off. The only one I regularly get is the back up sensor, which only goes off once I’m quite close (maybe 3 ft) to the object behind me. And the rear-cross traffic alert, which is much better than

But there are like 4 car companies.

Nope, I didn’t and haven’t chief!

What? That’s not remotely true. Gas taxes haven’t covered even the majority of road expenses for over a decade.

Tesla didn’t bleed any money on that “stupid thing.”

Err, but not for americans on an american trivia show.

How much power could be saved? Almost none. Certain things, like manual windows, probably use more power than they save just from their weight alone. Cruise control also will probably improve range, unless you’re extremely diligent over long distances at maintaining constant speed.

You should really normalize this based on miles driven. As of a year and a half ago, autopilot had driven approximately 130 million miles. Let’s compare statistics once you reach that level. :-p

I can tell what your mother tongue is, because you had some safe/sauf/except confusion. :)

That might knock $5k off a property value, but you’ll pay more than that in dues in no time!

An expert using calipers has an accuracy of +/- 3.5%. I can tell you my expenses and income to the dollar, with little effort. That is, it is much easier and more accurate to get the data I’m talking about versus the thing you call freakishly easy.