Marlene Freaktrick

I guess I can agree to that when it comes to it being released by a major record company but the making of the music itself. Writing and playing it isn’t impacted. When I write music I don’t think “hmm how many men are writing music right now?” I just write fucking music.

Reminds me of Mindhunter

I just hoping to God he electrocuted himself.

Oh fuck off. Women making music doesn’t have any impact on men making music. Also where is the genre where women can release their anger? Why do genres have to be dominated by a gender in order for music to be made? It makes zero fucking sense. Are teenage boys in their rooms with a guitar going “but I just CAN’T

When I say I feel for his family I don’t mean their loss I mean that this is one more thing they now have to deal with because of him. You’re probably right

Well I’m glad you’re all acknowledging our greatness.

I’dblame Satan if his name is sometimes Dan Johnson. Dude was the only one to blame. I feel for his family that’s all.

I wouldn’t be surprised. My cousin was obsessed with teen mom’s she knew or saw on TV and started talking like that at 12 and got pregnant at 15

Glad you figured it out! Seems like it just wasn’t a good fit with little ones.

Yeah she’s not being real clear on what happened with the last cat but it’s obvious the family is overwhelmed and not a good fit for two new cats right now.

Most obviously to me you shouldn’t get two young cats when you have a baby and other small kids it’s just dumb.

I agree. I don’t want want to work hard to GET it. It’s entertainment, I get it’s also someones art but not everyone’s art is for me. So this just isn’t for me. I listen to music for entertainment same reason I read books or watch movies. I don’t want it to be a job.

I have been hoping for a Nelly ably story for ages but this is NOT the one I want and her acting has gotten really bad lately.

Maybe not icon I think that’s the wrong word but she was fascinating character as a young girl I remember reading the story with what could only be called relish. But it was also that it was another time period and didn’t seem real

Wait your bedroom had no door?!??!!

I’m a mom but I still won’t touch that crap

It’s the true crime novel we all know we need. Lularoe designer murdered for bad designs.

Yeah I agree. I’m not black but I just think it should be common sense. You aren’t making fun of them or their culture. You aren’t changing your skin color or body shape.

God I loved that show

Yeah the bit about microwaves was really what put it over the edge into conspiracy theories. And not holding your phone to your head. And expecting China to stop the hunt of rhinos because she’s not gonna buy the new iPhone so fast.