
A truer truth has never been spoken. Hearted.

I wholeheartedly disagree. I'm a programmer both by hobby and by trade. We coders think differently and approach problems differently than the general population. We're forced to view the smallest piece of the piece of the pie and this methodology is effective well beyond the bounds of our profession.

I've been starting and ending each gym session with 5 burpees each side (5 burpees, 10 minutes of weights, 30 minutes on the bike, 5 minutes of crunches, 10 more minutes of weights, 5 burpees)... 5 doesn't sound like much until I do them and realize how weak and squishy I am.

Building the habit is a major mental shift for me. I'm on a short term assignment away from home living in a large apartment complex that has a pretty nice gym.

You ever seen the "Raging Clues" episode of SouthPark?

Trolling with a star caught me with my pants down... Considering there are deuchebags in this world that would really make this sort of statement... Well, yeah... I bought it. My bad.

well played, consider me trolled! The parent in me falls prey to this sort of bait. :-)

I can't imagine or even begin to understand you're perspective (I'm not a minority)... I'd certainly hope that appearances didn't have any play in this, but you're probably right.

That really sucks, I can't imagine how irritated and disgusted you must have been... now, step back and think about what you just said. You believe that anyone who involuntarily makes you uncomfortable on a flight should be banned from flying.

Keep in mind that RF is fairly directional (I know signals reflect) but if you could block out direct line of sight with a source of noise, it would be a huge help in some situations.

It depends on how wide a band the paper attenuates and if you ONLY have access to 2.4 GHz cell signal. Most carriers operate on multiple frequencies to avoid interference in noisy bands.

Painting it wouldn't have any affect on it's function... It's creating a barrier and padding it on either side wouldn't effect it.

I completely agree. I don't sit down and watch an entire series in one night like I would a movie. I also have to individually select to watch or not watch each episode.

OH hell, that 30mph speed limit is arbitrary too! Speed and lie about it, it's not hurting anyone.

The unfortunate truth is that this article furthers the effectiveness of the act and provides inspiration to the less than creative copy cats of the world who hadn't seen it elsewhere.

I've a six year old that struggles with the fact that a ball bounces back in his face if he's right beside the wall he chunks it at. Kudos to you Audri, even if your parents helped.

Thank you "The Simpsons" from 1991. See also "The Flaming Homer" or "The Flaming Moe"

My thoughts exactly. My iPhone 4 is about to be due for upgrade and I WILL jailbreak it and sell it... unless that means that Apple has a "bug" that ties the phone to me from now on.

Good lord, no wonder there were so many people that tried to be persistent! I worked at one of the big box retailers, but fortunately we had a damn good managment crew, if the customer was right they were treated in a way that made them happy to have come... If the customer was full of crap the the GM deafended the

Step two is mostly a waste of time. I ran a returns table for years during the return season when I was in college. People that brought in bags and handed you a bad receipt always seemed transparent. Your item will have a tag on it from that store and will be unopened, and you are most likely getting store credit if