The Red Queen

A significant percentage of youth unemployment/underemployment is because Boomers are unable/unwilling to retire. Boomers ARE leaving the workforce, but not as fast as the Silent or GI Generation did.

Yes, we’ve had a couple of wars, but we’ve had a lot more serious-but-not fatal traumas than we did in the past. Due to

Just got these when they were on sale last week, have only tried the 1 hour express one so far, but it really did leave my teeth noticeably whiter and pretty pleased! Only downside is I have two sensitive teeth, and they were pretty darn sensitive for the rest of the day. Good thing though was by the next day they

Just got these when they were on sale last week, have only tried the 1 hour express one so far, but it really did

One of the things I like most about my job is that I have a lot of influence in defining my roles. I get to make the most of the skills and experience I have.

The problem is that he’s claiming that he has inside sources, which could put him in the wrong if these sources have signed NDAs.

Welcome to the interwebs, dipshits. Either log completely off and learn how to live without your crack-like internet addiction until you can watch it or get with the program of watching when it airs.

If you REALLY cared, you would care enough to do one or the other. I feel like you types of people subconsiously get off

I think the real tragedy here is that we will be subjected to another 72 episodes of ‘Big Bang Theory’.

What the F is the possessed baby tattoo on his shoulder?

I don’t believe that at all. Cutting your spending matters more than your income for most people.

If you want more money, become more valuable to the marketplace.

I check my “automatic” payments at least once a month (often more since they aren’t all due at the same time). I make them automatic because life is often hectic at my house and at work so this guarantees I don’t miss a payment (Which I can get dinged quite a lot for).

Now we had a chance to meet this young man, and boy that’s just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him

Well, I’m a compulsive gambler. I frequently hit my wife. I swear. Like a lot. I’m functionally illiterate. I don’t wash my hands after going to the bathroom. I am terrible at math. I sweat, even when it’s cold. I once killed a drifter. I have chronic halitosis. I spoil the endings of books and movies for people. I’m

So Hardhome was garbage? What about daznaks pit? Last stand of Ser Barristan? Arya in Bravos??

Sigh......... Fans like you are the ones complaining how 250 item buffet has run out of butter!!

As a book fan begrudgingly watching Season Six out of spite, I am supremely happy with this season so far. The show feels a lot more deliberate now than it did in the last two seasons, where it felt like it was stalling itself to wait for GRRM. Now it feels like a show again, where each episode provides insights and

I’m pissed her training montage didn’t have any Kenny Loggins

You get a star for the picture of the good Colonel