The Red Queen

Don’t tell 911 you heard a fight or gunfire, tell them you smelled smoke. You smell burning plastic or wires in your wall. (These kinds of electrical shorts happen a lot in old construction, anyway) If the neighbors are knocking each other around, grab your coat and keys and *pull the fire alarm* on your way outside.

I do have a Frigidaire upright freezer in my garage, you are correct. It’s a nice thing to have.

Freeze it all. Flour, rice, oats, dry dog food, pancake mix. 

It’s *literally* called a VPN (“Virtual Private Network”).

Just as an update, I learned something over the weekend that disproved what I commented earlier. There have been a ton of awesome virtual Trek Con videos on YouTube, with the creators and cast doing roundtables on Zoom.

I appreciate Kira sooooo much more now as an adult than I did back then as a grouchy teenager in baggy clothes crushing on Odo. In retrospect, I wish I had been more like her and less than me bc she was - and is - awesome. But no, I was too busy resenting the fact that she looked fabulous in my favorite color and had

And if that the righteous takedown of Berman on YouTube is to be believed (and I believe it), that relationship was created explicitly to get him away from Garak and “straighten” him out. (Sad face)

Quark learned a lot of lessons - including that one specifically, about not exploiting women - in the course of the show.

Voyager was incredibly grating for the first three years bc the crew all behaved like they were in junior high school and Janeway had to be their schoolmarm (and a *literal* schoolmarm on the holodeck - gross).

The writing was just ridiculously bad in S2. Not only if she making fun of the android, she’s making of the third highest rankest member of the bridge crew... while standing on the bridge. It’s a moronic thing for the character to be doing.

I just read this earlier this afternoon and it gave me some heart.

I kind of want to ask Armin now. What WOULD Quark’s reaction be to his nephew getting killed in combat, considering he didn’t even want Nog to go into Starfleet in the first place? Would he be angry now? Would ROM be angry?

I would pay real money to see Seven and Picard stop at Quark’s (on DS9*) to raise a glass with him.

You’re welcome. :)

As with a lot of things, Star Trek did it first. (Deep Space Nine “Extreme Measures” May 17, 1999)

As I understand it, “no relationships” was one of Roddenberry’s little narrative rules. All the episodes had to be self-contained. (He was wildly incorrect, yes.)

This absolutely messed me up as a kid and the strangest aspect is that the rest of the episode is super-light.

Yes, they are bots. Disney gave Depp a $56 million contract and many of the films produced under it bombed. The Lone Ranger was one of the biggest bombs Disney has ever experienced.

But... but! Nick Offerman is RIGHT THERE!!!