Yeah, and you, the employee, should be documenting every one these interactions too!
Yeah, and you, the employee, should be documenting every one these interactions too!
I really enjoy biting down on Gummie Bears though. Embrace my chaotic evil!
Food cans in the US are 100% stainless steel aka, “the exact same stuff your pots and pans are made out of.” It’s obviously not as strong, but it isn’t going to poison you.
They were also in a bar crowded with vaguely inebriated lowlifes. A Force push could easily be mistaken for a regular push. You’d have a bar brawl pretty quick. Arm avulsion via lightsaber, however, sends a clear “Kenobi has seen some shit and HE WILL MESS YOU UP.” message to KEEP WALKING, which the room clearly…
Billionaires like Leon Cooperman are “warning” the American people of the dangers of a Warren presidency the same way a 250lb dude taps your rows of jewelry cases with his bat “warning” you they could come to harm if you don’t pay up.
I’ve also discovered that changing the pw on your computer doesn’t immediately kick your TV off when you’re logged into D+ (via Roku) at the same time. I logged out of D+ on the TV/Roku and logged back in using the new password. Maybe there’s just a lag, but I didn’t wait around to find out.
You can spend your FSA money on anything that goes in a First Aid kit (ice packs! heating pads! ace bandages! Neosporin!)
I had forgotten until this moment that Prego came in a "plain" flavor. I always buy the mushroom flavor and hit it with a pinch of Equal.
The Marvel and DC Universes are connected by the Speed Force. I am completely serious. Barry Allen didn’t die in Crisis on Infinite Earths. He crossed over.
My guess is that it’ll be completely behind glass, like those “open kitchen” bakeries that make you feel like you’re visiting a People Zoo.
I’m 38 and I’ve never been “in a relationship.” I’ve never dated any one person longer than six months. But that’s because I didn’t even *start* getting my shit together until I was 30.
Teach kids the “okay” hand signal. If an adult points at them, they have to respond by making a fist and tapping themselves on the top of the head with it (“okay”). Anything else - or ignoring adults! - we have to come get you.
I’m sober now, but I’ve only ever sent back two drinks that I can recall - a Manhattan that was pink with maraschino juice and a gimlet with simple syrup in it. Neither drink is meant to be sweetened. If you don’t like something without a ton of sugar in it, you don’t like it.
It’s a hell of a lot cheaper than a trip to urgent care for stitches! Poor Helen! :(
+100 - Anything that lures little kids toward science in an adorable way.
The rape of Jamie seems egregious in the moment because Jack Randall is such an empty evil pit. But it does “pay off” (in terms of story impact) later, after Brianna is viciously attacked. Their common experiences create an incredible moment of connection between a father and a daughter who had only just met. It was a…
Or they started MAKING PHONES again, not small tablets.