Avocado FTW! It’s such a fresh, clean, smooth taste. I’m a huge fan.
Seconded! Always buy the whatever’s the “step up” in your brand of choice in balsamic vinegar when using it for a raw application. At Trader Joe’s, it’d be the gold label, rather than the red one. Even one jump up makes a big difference.
Right on. It’s just not a good idea, after a particularly long and hard day, for me to pick up a chef’s knife or handle a heavy, hot saucepan, either. My knife skills are pretty good, but I’ve taken a class. If those little bags of onions, mushrooms and cantaloupe are keeping people out of the ER on a Tuesday night,…
Gosh, I had no idea frying pancakes in butter was even a thing?? I’ve always used veggie oil spray. Even so, the first pancake is always a hot mess. I should probably start with medium high instead of high but that takes longer and I want pancakes NOW, dang it!
Why not? A couple hundred years ago, people used their knife all day long - slicing into wood, leather, fabric, other people, and then dinner. They did it without the benefit of dish soap or detergent and the human race is still here.
The blades of REAL shears are not screwed together and should be treated with the same care as any of your other knives. It’s just like the vacuum cleaner I was talking about (on Lifehacker the other day) - anything you can’t take apart and clean yourself is useless garbage and Americans need to stop buying crap.
USA Today’s editors are garbage and participating in the wearying trend of incendiary media content (which is not journalism). A decent editor would have corrected the sentence from:
My mother gave me a lot of grief for spending nearly $600 on a Dyson vacuum cleaner but I’ve had it nearly ten years and I love it. Unlike a ridiculous number of things in this modern world, Dyson vacuums are designed so that the consumer can take them apart for cleaning and maintenance.
I routinely vacuum out my dryer’s lint trap with a long crevice tool. It’s an excellent thing to stop and do.
I’ll try anything. They make us taller and our legs look longer, so it’s *impossible* to resist. I’ve never understood why someone hasn’t invented a pair that comes apart, tho. We’ve got convertible bras - let’s see some convertible heels!
I’ll try anything. They make us taller and our legs look longer, so it’s *impossible* to resist. I’ve never…
They’ve never they’ve never made a profit and they have exactly one supplier for their pea protein, which is not great.
I wonder whose fanart they’re going to appropriate.
It was actually $10 w tax, but it’s still a DEAL, thanks!
It was actually $10 w tax, but it’s still a DEAL, thanks!
It’s more-or-less a good thing. Calling it “Big Brother” doesn’t really track because it’s a voluntary service that you have to opt into. They’re also *not* wrong that texting while driving is a hazard and that we ought to just chill out and drive.
I’m guessing these conversations are more along the lines of couples griping to each other about how much it sucks to be poor.
Yeah,girl - me too! That’s why I don’t commit crimes.
I try to tear off what I can first - like, if there’s a yellow tag sticking out. It depends on what kind of labels they are. Most of mine are totally sealed over with plastic film and the dishwasher just softens them enough to be scraped off. If it’s a plain label, there could be some bits left to pick out of the…