2. It includes a bunch of social justice ideas that are unrelated to the core environmental issues. It’s as if, when putting it together, they thought “How many of our most liberal ideas can we attach to this?”, and then brainstormed. Then they forgot to edit it, and left all the wild ideas in. That’s only muddying…
I have an idea - why don’t they just FIX THE DAMNED VOICE RECOGNITION SOFTWARE.
To your point, I was deeply annoyed by Chernabog and the Zoya sisters’ apartment.
Mmmmmm, leftover pieces....
You may also choose to be super-classy and say something like, “You don’t look very happy with your meal? Would you like something else?” Someone did this f0r my Dad (who would have just picked at it, otherwise) and it made his whole day.
There’s nobody in your head but you - which is why it can feel so self-involved to be stuck in there - but that can also be a good thing. It’s a safe space for you to have reasoned debates with your own thoughts. That negative voice in your head is just the most fundamental instinct of your animal brain trying to…
So, here’s a bit of interesting information...
I toss the French press coffee grounds out onto the grass. Egg shells are good for the garden, too. We’re fortunate to have a green trash bin - we can put all the vegetable waste in that.
:calls my friend in LA, the professional actress:
SAME. (diagnosed/medicated as a child in 1987) I was *very* lucky to have special programs in grade school that focused on how to manage my disability, even though I resented being isolated from the “normal” kids, at the time. But those programs taught me *how* to learn. That turned out to be a valuable (and…
Kit-Kats are the BEST. My favorite fact about Kit-Kats is that the filling between the wafers is made of ground-up Kit-Kats. If Kit-Kats are damaged/broken in factory processing they end back in the filling instead of packaged and sent to a store. No waste!
Invalidating another person’s feelings is wrong because it is harmful to them. It’s wrong to hurt people, especially when they’ve done nothing at all to hurt you. *Everyone* deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. America’s acceptance of casual meanness and disrespect is a large part of how we got such a…
Rainwater hasn’t gone through calcified municipal pipes or been chlorinated.
Well, I’m not very impressed with YOU.
One of my very favorite breakfast places plays muted cartoons on their televisions on Saturday mornings. Great way to keep kids occupied so everyone can eat their pancakes in peace. The regulars dictating the content is a good solution.
For me, a condiment distinguishes self from a component in that I will reach for and pour over many different things. I can eat Tapatio on eggs, cooked chicken, or cottage cheese. Or sometimes I want Cholula. I put Sriracha on cheese and crackers, or pizza or roast beef.
Vegetarian lard and 100% saturated fat. You know, the stuff you’re NOT supposed to be putting in your body at every available opportunity.