Red Plastic Mac

It feels so par for the course in our completely upside-down-universe; GOP palling around with Russia and shitting on a war hero; acting like a tough guy means... acting like a little baby when you lose.

Hmmm. “Bullshit(t)er”: one “t” or two?

Yeah, that’s the line that stuck out first to me. That’s a lawyer? That’s like an internet comment thread quote.

Hey this isn’t on topic my god that handle, wow. Standing o’ in my Hanes for you, sir/ ma’am.

I honestly, sincerely believe that Splinter is as good a personification of why we’re destined to lose in 2020 as anything else on the internet right now.

Splinter presents as a political blog, but it is 1000% a Cool Kids Digest.

The jewelry is one thing, all that stuff though. That stuff! Prove him wrong. He’s got a point!

That’s true—there are many, many incredible sketches. That isn’t nothing. Characters, too. They have some utterly iconic moments and performances and writing that I won’t pretend that I don’t love dearly.

I’ve been alive for the lion’s share of SNL’s run. I’ve watched many, many, many episodes. I would refer to myself as a fan of comedy the likes of which SNL is attempting to provide.

In addition to lying through his titanic teeth about lack of sleep being the answer to wealth acquisition...

My wife and I were just saying this. That argument at Luann’s isolated cabin house where Dorinda had to leave early and she’s suddenly just like “Ramona, don’t give me a fuckin face you’re always giving me a fucking face” and Ramona says “I’m not, calm down, holy shit,” and then Dorinda gets up and it’s like “I love

Also, dear editor guy: they’re*

Well if you believe a few of Tim McCarver’s ten million Bob Gibson stories, he’d hit you in the head just as soon as look at ya. Hitting in the head is the appetizer; don’t get him really mad! And so on.

Oh I remember. It was bullshit then and its bullshit now. Anyone making the claim didn’t understand what Michael Jackson was culturally or artistically.

See but we’ll all feel silly when he’s dead and we’re pining for his genius. Or something.

That’s a super cool idea.

Counterpoint: what makes Akira Akira is largely tied up in its being an animated piece of storytelling.

I wonder if he knows it spoils? Could we get a “Dwyane, may I suggest buying milk in extreme bulk” by him?

Hahahaha my sarcasm font was broken, I hope it shone through anyway lol

Man, this is great because if there’s one thing I always think when watching Akira, its “wow I wish I were watching this but not animated. Maybe instead of animated, some green-screen CGI behind a group of live actors. That would be way better.”