Red Plastic Mac

No blowback and understanding subjectivity makes me think “yeah I get it.” So, no judgment not being into it. It truly isn’t for everyone.

Sounds like someone’s definitely not cool enough to handle New York.

Those cities suck though, and New York doesn’t.

It smells MORE like pee. I’ve lived in both. Boston is everything NY is, but just worse, and lesser-than.

Not all of us! Just told my wife the other night RvW is the only thing this pasty unathletic loser would actually sign up to go to war for! Said as I was realizing it myself.

Fuckin’ a!

First, as a fully qualified (by your very sensible definitions) ginger man, auburn of both hair and beard throughout, I just want to say that I see you. I’m not even kidding!

I am a fan of the fast food. In n Out at the front of the line, Shake Shack when I’m feeling fancy, Wendy’s when the job needs to get done, and sure, ok, McDonald’s when I’m desperate.

Him excoriating his security after it happened under his breath was fucking gooooooold. “Complete failure. Complete failure. Could have spotted him a mile off.”

I mean I get finding this annoying but every single Mets fan that got all ecstatic about that trade had this coming a little bit. This is 1,000% what Robinson Cano is, has been, and always will be. He will have one on defense that causes a furor before the end of the season, too.

Yeah that kid’s going to grow up to be a psycho. Especially with mushbrains on the internet cheering it on.

Finding forced small talk uncomfortable and preferably avoided with a simple message prior to engaging is not a phenomenon from the last few years, jesus murphy.

So what’s the difference between saying “I’m not in the talking mood, thanks” and tapping a button before the driver shows up that says “I’m not in the talking mood, thanks”.

This is the internet, apparently people will pretend not to understand something to condescendingly litigate it without end.

Ok but seriously, what *is* in those cases?

What I’m struggling to understand is a person with such little imagination that they can’t fathom how someone a) would need a ride somewhere but b) wouldn’t want to talk to a stranger.

I wonder if the Extremely Cool and Online Twitter People realize how fucking pathetic they seem to the rest of the world. All the stupid fucking in-jokes and phrases with people they don’t know on a terrible, toxic, ugly-looking website greasing our skids to hell.

Oh my god that momentary look of terror as he checks to see how long he’s been out and if anyone noticed is unfuckingbelievable.

edit--already covered

I feel like the laughter through, say, the first four minutes is genuine—hell I laughed, its a solid bit, he can be funny.