Thats the part of the story that made me go damn. I would have trouble trusting anyone ever again if I had a partner told the world they cheated on me.
Thats the part of the story that made me go damn. I would have trouble trusting anyone ever again if I had a partner told the world they cheated on me.
It’s the airing of the dirty personal laundry that upsets me. Her boyfriend must be humiliated.
This was not the time or the place for that.
Why does it seem like we only hear about unequal pay and unequal working conditions when it’s coming from someone already rich and famous?
Yeah. I don’t get the general tone that she was being somehow “wronged” in this interview. She’s the celebrity. She’d doing a publicity tour. She’s already rich and selling an album. She had the power to get the interview axed. The interviewer had no power here, clearly, so I don’t think it was some form of abuse to…
For real. She is definitely coming off as increasingly tone deaf. I saw another interview linked in these comments where the interviewer asked about the album being inspired by her father being released from prison for his $10mil investment fraud, and she was like "Yeah, I just wanted to make an album about flawed…
I’ve always found something really off about “St. Vincent” since I first saw her perform more than a decade ago. Most performers have a degree of vanity and narcissism, but hers is just so ugly. Not at all surprised that she hates doing interviews but still does them, but wants to control them, but wants to be covered…
Alright, after digging in a bit more after another commenter mentioned her cancel culture hot takes (fucking yikes), I’m... on the side of the interviewer to some extent, though I still think it’s obnoxious to pretend that this isn’t a game people have to play.
This was my takeaway. I love Annie Clark in theory, and I love her older music, but she’s a rich white girl and the most recent piece I read interviewing her talked all about her juice cleanse and yoga studio. Not very St. Vincent aesthetic. She’s at least smart enough to know comparing her daddy’s time for white…
The entire album rollout has her father’s incarceration front-and-center
I mean if you make an album called “Daddy’s Home” that addresses the story of your Father, you are going to get questions about your relationship with your father.
I love her music and want to defend her but the fucking album is called “Daddy’s Home” which she admits is partly inspired by her father’s release from prison. If I wrote an album called, “My Wife Left Me” about my wife leaving me, I don’t think I’d be so weirded out by journalists pressing me about my wife leaving…
she was interviewed on public radio a year or so ago. a strong too cool for school “artist” tone, but came off as very affected. that said seems to be the kind of artsy pop singer whose brand is probably more a driver of her success than her music (which sounds like every other pop singer of her demographic IMHO).
Well, she _did_ name the album after her father finishing his prison sentence.
There have been rumors that say as much. I think I remember Carrie Brownstein alluding to it being a pretty rocky relationship.
I would not be surprised at all to learn that she’s an abusive and controlling partner who hides and justifies her abuse behind the artistic process.
She’s also said some inane things about cancel culture recently. And on the one hand, yeah, if your business is selling yourself, it can be bad to have something dumb you’ve said taken out of context. But her comments came off as more from a position of privilege to never be pushed for dumb things you say than from a…
AGREED. Sexual identity includes virginity. There is nothing wrong, bad, or “Off” for actively choosing to not have sex or to want to have a sexual relationship only inside a certain kind of relationship.
As mentioned, there can be lots of reasons to be a virgin (a social construct with no biological basis!) and maybe not knowing where you stand sexually can definitely be one of them.