Fire In The Hole

I would say the much higher likelihood is that by virtue of being a lawyer, she may think her and her husband should be able to do/have whatever the fuck they want. Full disclosure: I’m a lawyer, and most of them are A-type assholes who think at least to some degree that they should be able to whatever the fuck they

They may be interested in wasting taxpayer money. That’s a trendy thing these days in NH.

How are you going to fit a whole clown up your ass?

Eh. I’m not big on it either but as far as it goes, this seems relatively harmless. Sure there are logical contradictions but if you want to be all pro-Jesus while doing nice things for people and seeming to be a nice person, then I figure you can be as into 2,000 year old Jewish carpenters as you like.

I’m not digging the American approach of trying minors as adults. There’s a reason for juvenile law. A 13 year old who speaks of “boobies and titties” certainly does not yet possess the mental capacity and accountability of an adult.

I think what they’re really saying is the bear couldn’t rape the man because he was waving his man flesh around, totally asking for it. And he didn’t say no.

So what are they saying... that a bear can’t rape a man because it’s female?

You can’t win. That’s the problem. If you’re not too pretty you’re too ugly. Fuck the haters and believe in yourself.

If you’re going to reference a specific case, you might want to actually read up on and understand that case first.

Literary nerds unite! I’m giddy about this!!

She opened her mouth and the illusion was destroyed. They should have gotten an actor. This is just a gimmick and an attempt to play the heartstrings of the audience.

I mean that’s Dolly’s whole thing though. She celebrates the great parts of her family and culture even though they obviously struggled. That’s why she made Dollywood as a celebration and to bring jobs into her community so others wouldn’t struggle as much as she did. Her tiny house model isn’t there as a woe is me

In a sneak peek posted by NBC, Ricky Schroder (who plays Dolly’s father) says,

He brought back the y? I remember when he showed up on NYPD Blue and he insisted he was a Rick, not a Ricky.

what ever is on clearance in TJMaxx.

How about the both of you sit down and stop being a back seat psychologist.

You two are the cutest skeevy couple I’ve ever seen.

Living from ages 20-30 in Portland, OR I have met *this girl* maybe a hundred times and they all made similar zines, or at least shared similar thoughts, and it’s just that time in life when you’re angsty and read a lot of anais nin and joan didion and take a zillion pictures of yourself and do things like live in big

Molly Soda is not an artist and this shit is not art. She’s a known cyber bully/garbage human whose only goal in life is to get this kind of attention and praise that she does not deserve while putting in minimal effort. Gross.

See, it’s not really “leaked photos” when you take them yourself with your own damn phone, make a zine out of them yourself and then post them online yourself.*

No it’s really not ‘powerful’. It’s fucking boring as hell and really is a super-transparent bid for attention couched in a lame ‘but I’m vulnerable’, sentiment. I don’t care that it exists in the world and I’m not offended by it, but jesus christ it’s not ‘powerful’. It’s just more meaningless ephemera added to the