redneckrob and his flock of Volvos


you know what’s crazy....

1958 Volvo 444... mostly around town. costco/groceries/errands.

Honestly do t recall. It’s been five ever since it went out on me but my recollection says it was an ollllld fanatec GT3RS wheel… by now the wheel would probably have been somewhere around 10 years old. It crapped out on me, and life kept me busy for a while before I got back to it . I just remember getting the g29

that last picture there seems to be an electric Wagon

Nothing for the Chevy Bolt.

they can lean heavily into those “distinctive jeep quirks” like — it doesnt run.

Lordstown Motors.

our first ev lease cost us $6000 total after 3 years (not to mention saving $100/month on the payment from our previous car)... on top of that, our insurance went up about $30/month and, annual reg went up about $100... but we saved about $160/month on gas. and to your point, we didnt have to buy tires for our

“hey, north korea..... you know what would really fuck over america... is if you made the back end code you have to these cars public... you know, so modders uhh hackers can turn these cars open source so people can repair their shit. fuck shit up.”

Same on the nexens. The dealer replaced 2 before I bought it, but just replaced the other 2 on my driveway like 2 weeks ago. (Found them for $90ea)

welcome to the bolt club.

Hey Lawrence, I actually did a research paper/report on this recently.

300 miles is still what they “want” id be willing to bet that in most cases, if someone who “wants” a 300 mile EV was handed 150 mile range EV for free, and told “make it work” they’ll make that 150 mile range EV work just fine.

tbh not everybody NEEDS the 240v dryer plug either. we have 2 EV’s that we charge off ONE 12 amp 120V L1 plug at home. Even a 16 amp 240v will get you 80% of a charge on most EV’s overnight.

the venue permitting limited to 15,000. I saw a video from the rally, it looked closer to 5,000 people.... maybe 7,000 max

Ive never owned a hybrid... always had gas vehicles, and I skipped right over to BEV... i dont regret my decision one bit....

Chevrolet Bolt EV.

I can explain the excitement - disclaimer, I dont ever sit down and watch any sort of sports on my own volition, but if someone else puts it on, ill watch.