You already said it, but I’ll say it again.
Fairly certain this is a typo.
They decode. Model, body style, emissions code, engine… this one should be 56 in position 7/8 iirc. The 2.3liter engine is 53 if I recall.
C) this could potentially shorten runway distance as well, allowing aircraft to land at airports with shorter runways, that may be limited by urban sprawl/expansion.
this will also be super interesting as to what this does for runway distances too, possibly allowing the 380 to land/take off from airports that are limited by runway distance.
San Jose, CA is NorCal, my friend.... so ya got us all a little confused, like that Acura is in San Diego (SC), vs the GTI is in Hayward (SFBay).
The reason corvettes are rare is because soooooo many of them don’t make it. They get naturally selected off the road by their drivers.
yeah the next question is that since they’re doing all this muscle car EV stuff.... which company is gonna swoop in with the small, efficient, low cost, light weight, zippy, fun to drive EV’s when we have the electricity crisis and electricity gets really expensive?
honestly, in my eyes it looks just short enough that it could almost be a wagon.
based on the charge rate, it seems that they’re packing 60~80kwh battery packs depending on the trim and are getting roughly 4.1 miles/kwh.
It’s weird EV feels better with more torque but HP numbers Lower is totally fine.
Hmmm. Let’s see. 300k, 2-car garage.
we bought a 2020 Huyndai Ioniq Limited EV. it was a brand new car leftover on closeout in Feb 2021, like a couple weeks before the chip shortage was big news. we got it for $700 down and $150/month for 35 months, so just under $6000 total for 3 years.
ive seen a handful around here in the bay area in person.... they look VERY different.
that took me a sec... i first read “He-Ride” and thought to myself “hmm thats odd.” then realized it was a smushed together “Her-Ride”....
All that and the car still only gets 28mpg I’d figure if they’re going to all that trouble to bloat a sedan they’d shoot for better fuel economy…. But nope.
Wagon would have been nice.