“I’m confused.”
“I’m confused.”
Good catch.
If there’s a Maker Space in your area that has an auto shop, join it and get trained on the equipment. I’ve saved hundreds at my space, more than paying for my membership. It has a lift, a full air tool setup, and a bunch of specialty tools like gear pullers donated by members.
Preceded by a whole bunch of “army/police are heroes” propaganda.
The bad one where we played as Raiden the whole time.
That’s because the Obama pictures were on the paper targets available for use on the range.
I dunno, it seems like there are folks who always find ways to spend money. I’m sure there’s some pickups out there that have like $10K in mods on them and their owners are still salivating over the JC Whitney catalog.
“No Longer Amused was a quiet guy, always kept to himself. We never thought he’d go on a shooting rampage.”
“a Ghanaian-American in Central Massachusetts during the 1980’”
On the next epsiode of “Completely Missing The Point on Corporate Citizenship” we’ll talk about how Delta’s move will increase customer bookings and more than replace the $50M loss.
Which part of their religion says “Love thy neighbor as thyself (except for those dirty gays”
Ah yes - people are 100% ok with zeppelins in the Isonzo Valley and armored trains in the Sinai, but draw the line at black soldiers.
You’re right. Conservatives are the people who let alt-right people say the things they’re thinking while appearing to be “normal.”
The fact that you resorted to the “triggered” slur in two paragraphs says more about you than the OP.
I think factory farming has reduced our exposure to off cuts of meat. Anything that’s not a steak, roast, or chop goes into the hopper for pink slime or animal feed. I like to make Sunday Gravy with oxtail and pork necks but it’s almost impossible to find that stuff, and I live in a pretty diverse community.
“I survived my entire senior year on Taco Bell and bongwater and I can’t get hired at Google? It must be reverse racism!”
You don’t understand how diversity hiring works. Diversity hiring means “given a pool of equally qualified candidates, we want to ensure we’re hiring minorities.”
LOL who would have expected the unstable billionaire would use Gamergaters to help him get elected and then shit on them once in office? Nobody could have seen this coming. /s
It’s almost like there’s a systemic problem in the NFL with African American QB’s.