Howard B

Why is it always the liberals and minorities who have to leave when they don’t like the goings on? Why is it not the Regressive racist folks who ought to GTFO?

Oh, fucking same here. It’s like crack - I know it’s bad for me and my mental health, but I just can’t help it. Bless her racist, bigoted, ignorant heart.

Second-best line: “You hate me and threaten me and want to fire me silence me and kill me for expressing my opinion on your boy, Colin Kaepernick.”

Being white makes you an expert on everything. Being white is the fucking tits.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I would recommend the one where she advocates for killing the “bad” Muslims, who she estimates to be 20% of the Muslim population. Which would be over 300 Million people, or approximately the same as the population of the United States. This woman is psychotic and makes some of what Trump

No. Certainly not at a domestic event. I would have to fact check this, but I would not be surprised if we are the only country that plays our own anthem at our own events with no other country present.

America truly is a great country. The Deadspin staff’s new ambition is for Tomi Lahren to disembowel us.

Does it even make sense to sing the national anthem at a sporting event?

Wait, isn’t she Miss Teen South Carolina / “The Iraq” girl?

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.

There are plenty of ways. For example, Just say you think it is not the time or place for it and that, as an athlete, CK has many, many avenues to express his feelings. I could get with that criticism even though I happen to think CK is not saying anything terribly controversial. Let me rephrase that — if you know any

I think the bigger point is people in a country that is built on protesting for rights have a huge issue with someone protesting. Everyone is dragging the troops in this and calling him a country hater, while some others are out right racist saying things like go back to where ever and using slurs. To me it seems like

If there is, I haven’t heard it. Mostly because the thing he’s protesting is based in racial issues.

Well, so far every time that I’ve seen some high profile person coming out with a hot take on CK, they aren’t giving a reasoned, calm explanation on how they respectfully disagree with him. That’s why they’re hot takes, and not cool takes. If there is some person out there who has disagreed and has done it like a

I have never wanted to have a Twitter account more than I did yesterday. And then “shut up Tony, didn’t you kill a guy” was tweeted and the feeling passed. Such a beautifully simple rebuke to that racist shitstain. Thanks for reporting on this Stef, you have created many smiles :)

You’re right. There’s only things they can do. Like not be racist.

I said it before and I’ll say it again.


Here’s the actual roof line. If we’re talking about car design, omitting a roof line picture is akin to burning kittens alive.