I think you meant “see you at the Crosstour”
My new sports car, the Rosinator 1, will feature an innovative new quadruple-manual transmission, with each wheel driven by its own miniature manual transmission built right into the wheel. Yes, that means four shifters, and four clutch pedals. It’ll also be powered by a naturally-aspirated, air-cooled, rear-mounted…
I never expected to own a 1948 Tucker “Torpedo” sedan. So far, expectations are lining up with reality.
They switched to Monster Cables.
Oh look at Patrick with his fancy painted E30.
Why do non-Americans have to not put a V8 in all the things... why? superiority complex? The Rover V8 was enough?
It’s all fun and games until it tries to reverse out of a Cars and Coffee event...
In North Carolina this Porsche isn’t allowed to use gas station’s because of the change.
This is weaksauce.... Where is the Hydraulic Press Channel when you need them?
Personally, right now I’m cool with just about whatever you want to put out there about GT. Last night I was plum giddy like a teenage boy waiting for my first porn flick to start.
This article was written by a communist.
The Ford Fusion is going to look so awesome in 4-7 years
Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.
Was probably a V6 with an exhaust.