red mammoth

Why is everyone so scared of tits? Tits are the first thing anyone ever sees. Before bottles were invented, tits were vital in providing nutrition to infants. Without tits, humanity would not exist. Who could possibly hate tits, besides the moral degenerates at the MPAA?

I checked it out on Wikipedia. Apparently, it's where people wear normal clothes, and by doing that they're making a statement or some shit.

Are you sure they're the same people?

There's a significant difference between cussing on Twitter and putting a gory picture on a billboard in a public place. Like, does hearing 'fuck' actually harm kids at all? As for the billboard, well, American kids see too much violence on TV as it is. I doubt it'll be good for society if everybody's desensitized to

This is from the Daily Mail? It reads more like something from the Guardian.

ISIS does sound like something a Bond villain organization would be named. It's a bit ironic that hardcore Sunni fanatics would share a name with an ancient Egyptian goddess.

Her porno videos are actually pretty hot, just FYI. Highly recommended.

Because the Funny or Die writers suffer from prosopagnosia.

They don't really look that much alike, besides both being brunettes. Maisie Williams does kind of look like Amanda Seyfried, though.

For a second, I got Felix and Fritz the Cat mixed up, and I was a little confused.

I've heard tons of great things about Film Crit Hulk, but I have a really hard time reading his stuff because of the all-caps gimmick. Is there a Greasemonkey script or something like that which sets all-caps text to regular capitalization?

jesus fuck what is this shit

Sorry, but this article is pretty poorly written. Still, I do like that banner with Tyrion and Arya dressed up like CSI: Miami characters.

Whovian: "I don't want to fuck these prepubescent girls! What is wrong with this movie?"

What does gender dysphoria have to do with this? It's a bunch of preteen girls who are into punk, so they wear punk hairstyles. That's it. Also, the movie takes place in the 80s.

I'm interested in this. LBJ is one of our most fascinating recent presidents.

The show's already going through a lot of stuff from Books 4 and 5. I'm starting to strongly doubt Winds of Winter will be released before the show's done with 1-5. Martin gave them an outline of the entire series, right? That means that soon, the show will start spoiling the upcoming books. The spoilers will become

Look, if you want to watch a gore flick, then watch it. But don't pretend you're watching it for the subtext or some bullshit like that.

This actually sounds cool. Hopefully it's a return to form for Pixar.

All crimes can be attributed to mental illness. Al-Qaeda is just a mental illness support group, don't ya know?