red mammoth

I Have No Mouth and Must Scream was really something. Probably one of the most fucked up things I've ever read. The 90s adventure game was pretty great, too. Harlan Ellison was involved with the project, and voiced AM. The intro is a classic.…

The latter, of course.

This thread sure brought out all the Neo-Nazis. Go back to Stormfront, you little shits.

"Could The Lost World actually be better than Jurassic Park?"

True, Diet Pepsi sucks. I do love Pepsi Next, though.

Call me judgemental, but I don't like anyone who's a fan of the Turner Diaries.

Sure, Egypt. Sure. When you overthrew your authoritarian government (twice), it was a revolution by the people. When the Syrians try to overthrow a far more brutal government, it's some sinister conspiracy by the West. I know that's not the most ridiculous part of the article, but it does bug me.

This chart is terrible.

Isn't Zyzzyx Road the movie that made a grand total of $30?

Wow, people online sure love to pitch a fit about the pettiest bullshit. I wonder how they'd react to actually offensive humor, like an A. Wyatt Mann cartoon or something like that.

Hoping for Felicia Pearson.

Wait, what? Is there some joke I'm not getting here?

This guy would be one of the first against the wall in any real Communist revolution.

Assange hangs out with a guy who denies, like, four genocides.

What the fuck is this shit?

Can you explain what exactly seperates a "dude with tits" with a legitimate "strong female character"?

This essay is completely terrible. The writer is an idiot who doesn't understand movies.

Is this really a problem? You get, for example, British actors playing Slavic people pretty often.

I am truly outraged! I'm sending back my Jaime Lannister bobblehead and Jaime Lannister-brand cologne. I'm keeping my Jaime Lannister body pillow, however. It's a collector's item, after all.

Wow, they fucked up pretty colossally. Maybe they can follow the route of comic books, and retcon it all away. If they're just going to proceed like the sex was consensual, they might as well do that.