I actually wouldn't have minded this series as much if they had gotten an Arab actress to play Alice.
I actually wouldn't have minded this series as much if they had gotten an Arab actress to play Alice.
I'm pretty sure I could throw together a Flappy Bird clone in Game Maker in about half an hour, and I'm pretty inexperienced. It's weird to see how popular this game has gotten.
Alpha/beta seems to be used mostly by MRA and PUA types, who tend to think they're alpha males. They like to snicker at "beta males" aka men and boys who treat women like people. These manly alpha men engage in the manly act of complaining on the internet about how women hurt their feelings. They also like to dress up…
It is his right to complain about those jokes, and other peoples' right to wonder why he was offended by such a mild joke.
Whiteness, and race in general, are very crude and vague identifiers. The anthropological Caucasian race includes, in addition to people of European descent, people from the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. So technically, Somalis would be considered Caucasians.
I'm sure the sight of a raised middle finger on TV caused millions of children unimaginable psychological torment, just like a half-second shot of a human nipple.
She's not that bad looking, and she's not really fat. I might go so far as to say she's kind of attractive. The internet seems to believe she resembles a morbidly obese Brian Peppers. Maybe they're having some sort of mass hallucination?
The problem with this is that very high quality shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones routinely get A's and B's, while shit like The Following and Hostages usually get D's and F's. If they were really grading a show against itself, one of the weaker episodes of Breaking Bad would have gotten a bad grade, even…
How dare Kevin Spacey tar the good name of the noted mathematician and game theorist David Gale.
Which one?
Woah. Someone else remembers Eragon.
I'd like to hear this strong argument that Stalin was worse than Hitler. Hitler killed more noncombatants than Stalin, as well as industrializing mass murder. Good overview here:
Wow. He has douchiest fucking haircut.
That Spartan has some pretty bangs.
I've heard lots of good things about Feministing. Was it them who ran that godawful 'Lorde is racist' article, or was it someone else?
True story: the recently booted Ukrainian government referred to the protestors in anti-Semitic terms in state media, while referring to them as fascists in international media.
What the media did to Richard Jewell makes my blood boil. They kind of pulled the same shit during the Boston Bombing, too. The New York Post is a particular offender in both cases.
Scat lovers don't strike me as the type to be easily offended.
Where does Barkhad Abdi fit into this?
I love this one: