It's been ages since I read something written by him and my memory of his articles is kind of spotty. Do you have any particular examples?
It's been ages since I read something written by him and my memory of his articles is kind of spotty. Do you have any particular examples?
My opinion on the Watchman movie is that Zach Snyder was trying to be faithful to the source material, but didn't really understand it. He made it into a fairly generic comic book movie.
All right. I was just hoping you weren't including them when you mentioned that half the performances were terrible.
All right, that's reasonable. I'm not really interested in defending this shitty book. I've read some of Gladstone's stuff on Cracked. He's a pretty shitty writer, but he doesn't come off as misogynistic or anything like that.
I remember the kid and newspaper guy showing up at the end in the Director's Cut, but that's the only time we ever saw them. It just felt like something thrown in for the fans of the original.
I hope you don't mean Jackie Earl Haley, because he was pretty damn great.
That's not what it sounds like at all.
Am I the only one who used to get Last Year at Marienbad and Fast Times at Ridgemont High mixed up? Probably.
The game Jennifer Hepler was working on, Dragon Age 2, had a truly awful story. A Gameplay Skip button would not have improved the game at all.
The Big Sleep is probably one of the hottest movies I've ever seen.
No mention of the ultimate so-bad-it's-good movie, Plan 9 from Outer Space?
What kind of a stupid name is View Askewniverse, anyway?
Let's not forget that Hitchens had more than a few skeletons in his closet himself. It doesn't invalidate his criticisms of Teresa, of course.
How about they send reality show contestants to Aleppo instead?
He wanted to be a vampire. Seriously. That's what he said in an interview.
Any ideas for Susannah, Jake, or Flagg?
I see what David Icke is talking about when he says the world is ruled by shapeshifting lizard-people, but I respectfully disagree.
I'm pretty sure the writer of that piece is white. That makes it even stupider.
That's cool, but I want to know what Game of Thrones would look like if it were set during the Franco-Prussian War. Or maybe the Mozambican Civil War.