red mammoth

So… the main character is a rapist?

It doesn't matter whether they're funny or not. Very few members of the current SNL cast (or writer's room) are actually funny.

Every so often, I like to read White's reviews just because of how gloriously batshit insane they are.

Thanks to everyone for downvoting me without explaining why. I was all ready to debate this.

That quote isn't about reverse racism. Did you even read the whole thing?

How does that post "embrace the concept of reverse racism"? All he's saying is that a lot of African Americans feel animosity towards whites. That's not 'reverse racism', that's just racism. Yes, there is difference between personal racism and institutional racism. His post doesn't say otherwise.

This might sound weird, but I actually would have been more understanding of these statements if they came out of the mouth of an uneducated, impoverished redneck. Phil Robertson is a wealthy yuppie with a Master's degree posing as a redneck, so he really has no excuse for these statements.

Did people downvote you because they don't like rural people?

'Worst human being on the planet' is a pretty gross exaggeration. What about Bashar al-Assad? Omar al-Bashir? Joseph Kony? Kim Jong-un? Even in America, she has very little power, so she's probably outranked by someone like Peter King, Michelle Bachmann, or Louie Gohmert.

If a crazy person pissed on Obama's lawn, then he'd get a show on Fox within five minutes.

Right. This would be a free speech issue if Papa Duck was getting locked up for his views.

That could be it. I saw people posting parodies of that quote all over the place and I assumed they were making fun of that scene. It is a damn good scene, I agree.

@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus: I'm not a hunter. It's just something I'd heard. Not sure why you assume I'm a hunter.

I liked how they included a flash game called Kindergarten Killer or something like that. Sure, it's probably a decade old, really crude, played by very few people, and probably made just to piss people off, but I'm sure it inspired Adam Lanza to murder 20 children.

Hell, deer hunting is beneficial to the environment. We scared off all of the deers' natural predators, and if we didn't cull the herd every now and then, the ecosystem would probably be damaged by population overgrowth.

Is that really any worse than eating meat? At least the animal got to live a full life instead of living from birth in a horrific factory farm.

John Milius claims to be a "zen anarchist" or something like that. He's pretty hard-right, but his ideology isn't exactly in line with the average conservative. I remember hearing that Charlton Heston was pretty progressive on some fronts, and so is Clint Eastwood. Hollywood Conservative is pretty different from

Well, America hasn't been assassinating journalists, and it's toned down a bit on supporting deeply evil people since the USSR collapsed. Bahrain isn't nearly as bad as Syria.

Great job, Russia. Now please stop assassinating journalists and backing monstrous dictators.

Eh, they're pretty good-looking. Not that that matters, of course.