red mammoth

Fuck that asshole. He invites hardcore conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to represent people against gun control, and then pretends to act surprised when he starts mouthing off crazy bullshit. I'm pretty sure Jones is legitimately mentally ill. Also, all that shady business with the tabloids.

I saw Dinosaur when I was a kid and I really fucking hated those lemurs. Mission failed, Disney.

Yes, I'm sure that this movie about crooked cops trying to dispose of a body they accidentally shot is a glamorization of the American police system. Does every movie about cops need to feature them building a pile of skulls out of dead black babies? Did you just read the title and description, and then pop in to

They used some weird ass dinosaurs. Carnotaur… What's wrong with an old-fashioned t. rex?

Liked for someone else knowing what a troodon is.

Hello, Conley.

I actually haven't seen the first movie, but the premise sounds terrible. Maybe it was decent. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the sequel probably will be worse than the first one.

Didn't know he was on Boardwalk. Well, never mind, then.

You could at least have looked them up. Those two shows aren't exactly obscure.

It's such a shame that Michael K Williams can't get any decent roles, so he has to star in this shit. Same goes for most The Wire actors. At least Idris Elba is doing well for himself.

His character's death left me depressed for days. I had to stop watching. Such an emotionally powerful moment, and it made the "Where's Wallace" scene all the more powerful. I know some people make fun of that scene, but I almost stood up and cheered when Dee finally stood up to String.

I really loved Jordan in the Wire. A surprisingly great performance from such a young actor. Never seen Friday Night Lights, though.

I absolutely adored Walking with Dinosaurs when I was a kid, so I'll be watching that. Still…
"this is for children what Avatar was for adults"
Great special effects and terrible writing?

I love pugs, even though they are horrible, diseased abominations.

Also good: the book A Confederacy of Dunces.

Jennifer Lawrence referred to herself as a redneck. She also dislikes silent movies. The horror!

Why can't they hire more than one?

I'm very upset that there's never been any Ingush-Americans or Uzbek-Americans on SNL. I don't think there's been a single pygmy, either.

I had a big crush on Anne Frank when I read the book in Junior High. Is that weird?

Also, you would be able to see who downvoted you. That should fix a lot of problems with the system.