red mammoth

Glad to hear. i loved the first season. Much better than the TV show, if you ask me.

Christ, that's vile. Fuck those people.

Really good takedown of that terrible Feministing article.

But if white people sit by and do nothing, they get criticized for that, too. Is there anything white people can do that doesn't make them a blight on existence?

Or just people annoyed by Social Justice Warrior types. I did like runasone's post. A pretty reasonable opinion, expressed in an intelligent way. I don't really like the tumblr either.

But they can still intervene on behalf of women against white men, right?

They're not trying to "change" rap, or get black people to use less swear words or whatever. It's a joke tumblr. There's better things to get outraged about.

So if a white guy calls out racism in a piece of art, is he being a White Savior on behalf of the blacks?

Yeah, only white girls exist. A black woman could never get offended by a rap song with misogynistic lyrics!
A. Being 'supervised by the legal system', as you so nicely put it, isn't as bad as being in slavery. I know that prison conditions can be pretty bad, but not as bad as slavery.
B. There are a lot more black