
I’ve owned a few of them in my life

Rear quarter panels. Think about it. You can replace pretty much any other body panel except the roof with just a few bolts. Why not the rear quarters?

A local high school, for their mechanics class, does an annual car show. Part of it is a competition where they drain coolant on a car and then run it until it doesn’t run anymore, and whoever picks the closest time wins something. They picked a ‘91 Lumina one year for this competition and after a full hour they

They seem to be dying off now though. I say “dying off” but they probably still ran, the rear quarter panels just became iron oxide.

I see more Chevy Cavailers from the ‘90s on the road than I do Civics and Corollas of the same vintage. And you NEVER see any ‘90s Neons or Escorts anymore.

Make that any Lordstown product since the J body. Still a silly number of Chevy small cars running around.

Truth. I see quite a number of older Chevy small cars still running. Its either the base trim or a trim more likely to be purchased than leased. So there’s nothing to go wrong or it’s been maintained. Maybe both, since GM small cars aren't big on whiz bang tech.

sometimes i confuse myself on my 92 chevy half ton.... when i say “it runs like it’s still brand new.” i dont know if that’s a testament to how well it runs now, or how poorly it ran when it was brand new....

The cavalier seems to be the cockroach of chevy

How exactly is that cruiser justified in ramming an already-disabled vehicle? How’s that not using an automobile as a deadly weapon?

That’s a pricey ass Jeep for someone without $250 to their name.

24 year old, 2WD, underpowered econobox with 165, 000 miles on it.


Just my two cents, I find the primary concern among my peers for not buying a motorcycle is that other motorists scare the shit out of us. The arms race of SUV/CUV purchasing for vehicular safety mixed with the rise of distracted driving and frankly never having free time “just for a ride” has made my risk aversion

Most young people don’t have enough money to be profitable.  They can buy a used VW and wonder what it was like when all the buttons and switches worked.

A glass pack is packed with fiberglass mat.

The only way this makes sense is if this guy was unable to crawl through the window of his car. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been that much snow to dig through.

I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he was drunk when he hit the ditch, went to sleep it off, and woke up buried in fucking snow. 

Well, 58 isn’t that old but this whole episode should be a hint for this guy that it’s time to retire to Florida.

Also: the CGI was fine, guys.