
If we’re going to keep churning out over-the-top vehicles like this in the midst of crazy gas prices and a need to help the environment can manufacturers at least make them limited run instead of open orders? I get that the price is a limiting factor in and of itself but there’s a big difference in “giant

I’m not disagreeing, but you should go back and read the article. Just because something isn’t illegal doesn’t mean Texas or another backwater state won’t try to prosecute someone.

While I can see the concern this piece is probably highlighting a non-issue. Not everyone owns a car but most people have a cell phone in their pocket that transmits location data. That would be the more likely candidate for tracking (since, well, it’s already used that way for targeted ads, etc. etc.).

One pedal mode sounded like something I would hate.

Who is the market for a Wagoneer/Grand Wagoneer L?

On a road trip out west and was sitting in a drivethru. Guy walks up to the window, explains that he and his family are in an RV (then points to RV) and asks if we’ll order their food if he just walks buy our car and pays. We say sure. He then orders about $40-$50 worth of food, we add on our $20 or so, and he gives

Really wish I could right click the actual car and save-as it to my garage.

I always find it interesting that people are surprised that the public continues to buy gas. For most places the public transit is garbage or significantly cut back do to staffing/etc. and due to the cost of real estate in a metropolitan area a commute to work is a necessity when remote work isn’t allowed or possible.

T-top Camaro, preferably from the 80's.

Daily Driver - 27 years old.

Boohoo, you got your cage rattled and you lost. On to real matters:

Fly-head air cleaner on a carbureted small block chevy.  Over time the foam deteriorates (or with one good backfire just gets obliterated) and little bits fall into the engine.  Thankfully caught it before too much of it got sucked up but man, what a terrible design.

I feel like companies shouldn’t be allowed to make campaign contributions. Individuals? sure. Something about companies feels off though.

Supercar = I can’t afford it.

An XJ with 225k?  That thing isn’t at the end of it’s life by a long shot.  Unless it’s rusting into oblivion or something.

Keep driving my old truck.  Got it.  I’m beginning to wonder what will happen first - affordable crate EV swaps, or the price of new vehicles to come back down to something reasonable.

After a recent project I was wiping down my tools and decided to reorganize my toolbox (since about half of it was already out anyway).

Once companies can figure out how to recoup money off the giant wasted asset that is office space they’ll let people resume working from home.

“But Google isn’t reading the room. If company officials think a free e-scooter will make people want to work in the office again when just 17% of workers say they don’t want to go back into the office, this really won’t work out the way they think it will.”

It’ll earn it’s namesake right after someone takes it off a sweet jump.