
I’m kind of worried that Lando and Chewy might fly on a suicide mission in the falcon, succeed, but ultimately die in the process (and the falcon be destroyed).

What do they consider “childless”? I know many women in my neighborhood who fit the upper 1/3 of that age range and don’t work because they spend all their time taking care of their “kids” kids.

But when chaff is heated in a low-oxygen environment and mixed with plastic to form small pellets, .......... and takes much less energy to produce than the leading plastics.”

Ocarina of Time.  So good.

I love it.  I’m here for it.  I may never be able to afford it.  But that is A-OK.

Reads article.

Just give it up man, some people just like to complain.  I get where you’re coming from (as will 95% of the viewers of the film).

So like, where does the windshield washer fluid go?  I didn’t seem to see an obvious gap that denotes where a hood might open.

If I’m reading this article correctly you should swap out “contractor” with “engineer” whenever it occurs. Just for clarity sake. Reading the sentence “The workers warned the contractors” makes it sound like the workers are talking to themselves. “Contractor” is generally used as shorthand for the people actually

Calling it: Supreme court will rule against DACA, Trump will offer up someway for them to stay if the impeachment goes away.

I’m convinced that OEM parts are made of some ridiculous unobtanium. They last wayyy longer than any replacement part ever does.

I’ve read the transcript.  IT. DOES. NOT. HELP.  I don’t understand why he or anyone else thinks it does.

Honest question:  Do they not feel the car getting wayyy too off-kilter to just be “hopping the curb”?  The curb is maybe 4-5" tall. . . .which should barely tilt most modern SUV/CUVs, so at the point that you find yourself going sideways one would think that you’d stop forward progress and back up...I mean, right?

Sure thing. He just doesn’t care. He’s not a Kentuckian and couldn’t care less about Kentucky.  Plain and simple.

I think the thing that irks me the most is when Trump talks about “do nothing democrats” and “not being able to afford another year of nothing. .”

“an $11,000 per member signing bonus, performance bonuses, two 3% annual raises and two 4% lump sum payments and holding the line on health care costs.”

. . .I have a 25 year old daily and a 37 year old project (that could daily) that would like a word. . .

Ok but instead of crushing the ICE cars can we instead just send them to the junkyard?  You know, in case anyone is, oh, I don’t know, restoring an older car whose factory parts are hard to come by because of the FIRST cash for clunkers debacle?

Queen at #13 invalidates this list, never mind that for some reason Journey is #39, Styx at 40 and Foreigner at 44?  heresy.

(I really think it’s going to be one of Palpatine’s clones/speaker things like in the aftermath trilogy. . . ) BUT this just occurred to me as a possibility: What if the Palpatine we saw in Return of the Jedi was a projection.