
I know I’m probably in the minority, but man, Bugatti’s are ugly.

I think there is a case against the Air Force.

Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. Magazines are the devices that hold ammunition and spring the next round into the chamber.

Out of ALL the stories in that book the “spider” one is the one that stuck with me.  20 years later.  

this.  same with my 5-speed.

Good article!

Why bother to put them on the back though?  The front wheels are the only driven ones, right?

But wait, it looks much different in profile...well dangit.


Does PE suck? Sure. America is also a very obese and unhealthy nation. Bullying is a problem, lets address that (somehow, i don’t have answers). Cutting PE just reinforces the already sedentary lifestyle that is causing our life expectancy to drop while other nation’s rise.

Yeah, he’s a jerk.

“Cliff Sims wrote yet another boring book. . .”

Rory Gilmore graduated top in her class at Yale and was really smart, she went into journalism.

Single lane, back country road. Uphill woods on the left, steep dropoff into a wooded holler on the right.

Yeah. . .and now I can’t edit it.  oh well.  

...COFFEE. . .I need it. wooooooooooow.

“People like to make “homage” SS cars out of regular models, and Chevy’s official take on a Malibu SS didn’t even happen until after the model had gone front-wheel drive and rental car anonymous”

I understand teens and young 20-somethings think they are invincible but the sheer stupidity of drifting down a mountain road. . . .in the dark. . . .is pretty high.

“and I agree with him that he is not the “smartest person.” Besides, America already has that!” 

I own a pistol, and a rifle. I don’t keep either in my home though. No need to. If home defense is ever a need that’s where the german shepherd comes into play. There’s a safe where I go to shoot and they stay locked up there until such time that I choose to use them. Keeps the folks in my home “safe” and keeps my