
We may not have not understood what R2 was saying, but Luke certainly did. Maybe we just need to get off our behinds and do those online classes in Droidese?

Flight of the Conchords minus Bret plus Taika make a comedy about vampires. That should tickle your jugular...

My take on what made this ending AWESOME: You know all those moral dilemmas in other films/series/stories where someone is forced to choose between an innocent life and the greater good ("the needs of the One...")? Where they choose to save the innocent life and the laws of popular storytelling demand that everything

Wow, the number of people squeezing in amazing projects on the side is... humbling and heartening! Me, I've finally escaped from work-hell and got back into more concept design for my animated web-series - tentatively titled "Nuut" though I'd like something better. Pictured is the eponymous heroine, who is obsessed

Hey wow - Scarlett J finally actually looks like Black Widow. Third time's the charm, huh?

Ouch, yes. Eleven says as much - that they will be locked in the moment of Gallifrey's destruction, but that they will have "hope". Hope that someone (nudge, nudge) will eventually find them and restore them.

The Moment was definitely something I enjoyed - a very Banksian weapon! Completely capable of shredding the fabric of space, yet deciding "You know what? I'd rather not. How about these 3 deal with it instead..."

I have an excellent postcard-size version of this (the whole collection of cards is as awesome as this one) - and so URAGA-URAGA-URAGA is now a permanent part of my two-year-old daughter's vocabulary.

Yes! This is why I'm totally ruined for Video Art now - it all just looks like the animator/compositor/videographer did a terrible job. It totally mars any ability for the theme/message to get through to me.

A crystal that holds pictures and knowledge trapped in light you say?

Is the third one piloted by Jango Fett or Jake the Muss?

As someone who closely identifies with our national culinary hero, I approve rapid deployment of this Jaeger forthwith!

"With her ability to fly, she can fight in the air alongside Thor and Iron Man, with her strength she can tag-team with Hulk, with her military background she can strategize with Cap..."

I want my 100 Bullets series, dammit! Basically starts with that premise - an untraceable gun is presented to a new character each episode - and then builds to reveal a great conspiracy.

Gah - all this talk of Halo and Mass Effect yadda yadda! Blomkamp has made a career out of making his own completely original shorts and feature films. Why the hell would he want to go under the shackles of an existing property?

Huh. Considering his good character, I actually would have thought Supes was "worthy of the power of Thor" without having to make an exception...

Isn't this just The Final Cut all over again?

Completely agree with you, except for the "adult version of the show". There's no good reason to remake any children's property just to fan service our memories of them.

It looks like a transformers toy scaled up, ewwww.

Now playing

Awesome video of the entire construction - the detailling on this gargantuan sculpture is amazing. I'm always completely jealous of the the guys who get to build this stuff.