
Watch Josh be the winner… oh how predictable. It seems like for since Phillipiness the editors make it extra obvious who the winner is by the amount of edits, although last year it was hard to truly see Tony as the winner just because of how he was.

B+? Seriously?

I actually find myself rewatching S1 episodes much less than any others. Also, watching it all together, the show's pretty consistent. Seasons 4 and 6 are definitely not 2, 3, 5, or 7, but the constant "show's jumped the shark!" conversations that were constantly brought up while it was airing after the third season

Oh yeah? Did she say anything? I wouldn't be either, they built her character up for nothing.

I miss Lily Rabe! Why is she gone, I hope she's back next season! Such an underrated cast member


After a pretty average first three episodes, if not mediocre, this really was a great week! This other tribe is way more interesting, the scrambling was awesome, and the total delusional and totally dumb guys really made it an awesome viewing. Drew is even worse than Rocker. Seriously, the guys all vote different!? I

Oh, and what's up with all the sh*t talking about Coven? I mean, its first 5 episodes were quite entertaining, I don't remember much complaints until after that

Have to say, a relatively quiet and subdued episode of the show. No quick editing, different camerawork techniques, or really over-the-top stuff. Maybe they're going for a different tone this year? More straight-forward? don't want the show to change but as it is I thought it was pretty good, I just expected usual

I feel this season is ending the great-streak the show had going for it.with seasons 25-28

I liked the second episode, and the worst thing about it isn't even talked about? That restaurant scene is cliched to the core, pretty awful and unrealistic dialogue. It's just so cliched and we've all seen it thousands of time that it shocked me that the writers were THAT lazy.

Okay, okay guys, question- This or The girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)? Which do you prefer? And Pike or Mara? Craig or Affleck?