
Anyone know if we can safely apply the updates to an existing file? There’s no way I can start Stardew again after sinking so much time into it... especially if there’s gonna be more updates down the line!

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Kirk, I highly encourage you to watch Steven Universe if you haven’t. Its looks can be misleading since it seems juvenile and stylistically aimed at a younger audience, and the art is not as anime-y, but I assure you, it has the same emotional weight and feeling of satisfaction that Avatar: TLA has.

I am a millenial and I proudly open my own bottles of apple juice! #bothhands


I’m divided on this. On one hand, I always do this with friends, but when it comes to strangers or recent acquaintances, I usually hold back. I wonder if this is the case with some of the other smash players.

Yeah, problem is a a lot of the things these two games have in common are too eerily similar to Overwatch. So much so, that it’s difficult NOT to draw certain conclusions. And like SaitoHawkeye said, it happens with movies all the time. Another example is Sharktale/Finding Nemo. There’s almost always a trend of a

Thanks mate!

Hey can you link to that? I’ve heard of Underveil but can’t seem to find Fallen!

I would gladly donate to the ‘culprit’ users to hire a proper lawyer, if only to just stop these developers from throwing their weight around.

About time! Loved all of Heather’s articles and analytical videos, they have become one of my favorite part of Kotaku.

Thank you!

This sounds cool, but without online sharing it just seems like a huge step back. You want me to LEAVE MY HOUSE with my PORTABLE CONSOLE? What is this 2010??

Man, I feel old now. I guess being 29 puts me in the late 80s in gamer years.

Are we really using the word ‘clutch’? Is that the in-thing right now?

Thanks for this series of videos. Often sites just seem to get bogged down with what’s wrong and what’s great with games, and seldom go into the specifics of what makes them work and feel satisfying. It’s great to hear your analysis of subtle game mechanics and games’ inner workings.

Got click baited.

Thank you, I played FFXI when I was a wee teen, and clearly remember it being a very aggravating and difficult game, but could never place my thumb and what it was about it that made it so nostalgic and impressionable to me at the time. But you nailed it, it was that sense of being lost in an unfamiliar world and the

always adjust the slider so that the image/logo/icon is more than just slightly visible.

Best of luck man. You’ve helped keep me company on many a long work day! Hopefully, I will be reading more from you!