redhead with tattoos

I mean, on the one hand they're SUCH different characters and shows that it's really easy. And on the other hand, every time he says "Welllll" a little chill goes down my spine. I kinda love it. Thrilling.

YES! And especially to your last point — there are people responding to my comment right now trying to downplay and/or deny the openly sexist/male entitlement/MRA aspects of Kilgrave's character. They may not want to see it, but the show makes it absolutely clear and it's SO refreshing and almost encouraging as a

I disagree, and I think we see it with Hope previously and Jessica starting now in the series, and I'm happy to return to the discussion in later episodes to keep spoilers out of the thread, but there is MASSIVE male entitlement in Kilgrave and a very distinct difference in how/why he uses his powers on me and how/why

That's too good. That's upsettingly good.

No, Trump is a racist asshole, not a bonkers comic book villain. Actual real-life villainy isn't fun. Kilgrave is only fun because he's fiction.

He's warped, but insane? I'm not sure. He strikes me as the very embodiment of male entitlement, unable to comprehend why he wouldn't be able to have this woman he wants, or why his very existence is a trauma to her. His inability to understand the harm he's caused, the damage he's done, and the hatred she feels isn't

It is the highest of high compliments to David Tennant that I would watch hours and hours and hours of The Kilgrave Show even though my skin would be crawling and my stomach would be turning knotted somersaults the entire time. I'll be back in future recaps to say more, but it's an absolutely virtuosic performance. I

Been there, done that, didn't put spoilers here, don't need your attitude.

BINGO. You said this a hell of a lot better than I attempted to.

There's also a reason related to some key stuff in the rest of the series which I don't want to say out loud because I don't want to spoil people.

Well, yes, that's why I said "RTD did his first four seasons on on absolute shoe string." He finally got some budget for Tennant's last four specials, and the Moffat got a massively bigger budget right from the start.

Yeah, but it was weird because when I heard 4.5 billion I immediately thought of New Earth, and it seems equally as easy to say "a trillion." It's minor, but it's an incredibly lazy mistake. And it's just noticeable enough that it's bugged a number of people, as far as I've seen.

I'm consistently amused by how poorly commenters deal with someone who is willing to hold their ground on their opinions. And the only way you guys know how to deal with it is to call people immature!

I love how everyone harps on about Rose Tyler because she came back at the end of Season 4, and completely ignores that her actual goodbye in Doomsday takes place solely in the last 5 minutes of the episode. Right up until she slips off the lever, it looks like it's another "the Doctor and his companion save the

As I've said in previous comments, Rose is not passive in Turn Left; she's not just "knowing what's going on" and guiding Donna to make the right choice. She's dimension hopping, reading and following timelines in order to figure out how the alternate timeline came to be, where it diverged, and how to reset it, she

Moffat lucked into getting the show 5 years after its revival, in a period where it was MASSIVELY popular. So he got a much, much bigger budget, and a shit ton more wiggle room than RTD did. That's why he gets Neil Gaiman and Peter Jackson — because he can pay them. RTD did his first four seasons on an absolute

Why did she need to be the Doctor??? I genuinely don't understand this sentiment, someone explain it to me.

Well, if the Hybrid is the Doctor and Clara, as the episode claimed, and Clara is gone and the Doctor can't remember her, it's resolved.

I mean, they go to the end of the universe in Season 3 (in "Utopia") and it's trillions of years in the future. 100 trillion? Something like that. And Rose and the Doctor go to see the end of the world in the episode of the same name, which is 5 billion years in the future, then go to New Earth at the beginning of

I mean, I disagree vehemently about Rose because her return was badass and heartbreaking, but also how is Rose getting her own Doctor ANY DIFFERENT OR WORSE than Clara being immortal in the space of her last heartbeat with her own TARDIS???