
Was quite fun at the track. And more people were cheering for Fernandos moves than for Hammy. Myself included. Also, all the Tacos were consumed

So I don’t like parking in downtowns, how’s the parking situation?

That race was insane. PWC such a great series, from little Honda Fit Race cars to Mclaren 650s GT3s. Yet not many watch it. They don’t even have to deal with the bullshit that is Fox!! (lookin at you IMSA you suck bags). The COTA PWC was just pure awesome. Just good racing up and down, and nobody really pines or

I’m glad someone else pointed it out, but also so sad for the no love to PWC

“How was the race, talk us through it?”

Hot take here, DCrants is ACTUALLY Bernie using a burner account (a burnie account, aye??). Shit like this has been going on for years. You sound like the type of guy who back in the day would have had a problem with James Hunts “Big Balls” Interview... Lighten the fuck up. Unless this affects you DIRECTLY, then its

I caught that too. I very subtle fuck you. Love it.

Up in smoke, just like Fox’s stream in the last 45 min of the race. The ONLY way we could watch it too, because #sportsball. Fuck Fox, and now after 3 years i’ll say screw IMSA for sticking with them. We’ve all lodged complaints and they don’t do crap. It’s hurting this series so much.

God I really want to sell my mustang now. Idiots *runs in shame from others*

I was watching this at my desk at work (shhhh don’t tell) and man it put a smile on my face


People called us crazy when we were all saying Kurt was the sane one in the relationship...

I’m only going to get you out of the greys to say I had the time of my life, and it was $500 well spent. There was a crowd, you just didn’t see us because it was 110 F so we were all running for shade. We all came out at night though, like cockroaches running towards a 919. Met many people even Sunday morning around

Fuck you fox, I spent $500 and went to the race myself!!

A bit off topic on here, but I agree with you 123%

The main granstands were laughing their ass of here at the track. Funniest thing I've seen in a long time

With that headline, I was expecting a picture of Bernie on the track

In Houston as well and going. I’ll add per the hotel, everything is booked in the Airport area so don’t even look. You’re best bet is to go north on 130 in Phlugerville or so. Its about 15 min on 130 doing oooo 95mph or so ;) to COTA. And its cheaper too!

It might have been this year, he interviewed Sir Jackie, and Jackie first called him Matt or John or something, then went on some wild tangent. I laughed my ass off so hard i fell out of the couch. Mainly because Sir Jackie is awesome.