
Some things I wish would get fixed PRONTO:

I know what you mean. It is kinda annoying. But this is not just Giz. The day the iPhone came out, you could go to any news website and find at least 2 articles on it. You have to look at it this way, the iPhone is the number one phone in the world. Android phones will not get as much press until they start

I have to say it but switch to sprint! I know what your getting at and its frustrating. Apple seems to keep coming out with data intensive stuff (iCloud and Siri) while cell providers are restricting our data. But just giving up and saying oh well, Verizon and AT&T won, companies should just except it and move on.

it says pear italian ice from Rita's.... I click on it... its a free sample of their "new" pear flavor. I click get deal... sends me to a facebook page created back in may! If you walk into Rita's you can try any flavor for free anyways. Doesnt seem very hobomodo appropriate.

you may not yet have heard yet Giz that... NORTH CAROLINA IS GETTING HIT BY A CATEGORY 3 HURRICANE!! What does NYC got going for it? a POSSIBLE encounter with at most a cat 2... and the latest models show it being less than that if it even hits NYC.

My thoughts exactly. I live in north carolina. There is like a 95% chance NC is getting hit with something. There is like a 20% chance NYC is going to get hit. So why worry people to death about something that might never happen? Stupid reporters and journalists always trying to stir up unnecessary trouble.

So pretty much no one has invented anything in 2,000+ years.

One thing to note too is that apple did not create iTunes. Some guy with the whole MP3 player paired with a music service went to apple and asked if they wanted to buy it from him. Apple obviously did and that guy is now head of the iTunes division or something. If that guy had gone to any other company, the tech

Thats like saying the civil rights movement would of happened just the same without martin luther king. And yet he now has a monument on the mall in Washington D.C. and every town just about has a road named after him. And Every february we all watch his speeches in remembrance of him (I guess you could call us as a

I second that

I remember before the iPhone/iPod touch, all the portable checkout registers at the apple retail stores ran windows... FAIL

you know I was really looking forward to that free milk... would be a long drive from NC

I am assuming he is wondering how gizmodo can say game informer confirmed it. game informer can not confirm anything since their confirmation is a rumor in itself. The only person who can confirm this rumor is Nintendo themselves (and we all know they are not going to do this). So gizmodo should not use the word

So im assuming if your profile pic is not of yourself and you dont allow random people to see your other pics means this program would not be able to find you on facebook? Cool idea but IMO too specific of an audience.

@kschang: so why does charging the phone affect the touch screen? And it also happens with the motorola charger given to me from verizon which I would hope would give the right amount of voltage and current.

one problem I have which is really annoying is when I go to click on a persons name, either in my contacts or in messages, the phone clicks on a different name. Usually the person it clicks on is on the screen but every once and a while it will click on someone further down on the list not even on the screen.

666 the devils number maybe? Is this only counting the most common english letters or are websites written in german, french, italian, spanish, etc. also counted? I would love to see the most common symbols on the internet.

@froggy: to add to yiff, cmd, alt, and escape are all on the same side of the keyboard making it easy on the fingers. I find when doing ctr+alt+delete it seems like I have to struggle more than usual to hit the delete key. Maybe its just me and the fact I have never owned a windows but I have noticed it.

@MayorBloomberg: you dont have to open the terminal. Just hit those 4 buttons at once and it kills the app. No terminal needed

For all you windows people hating on this, on my mac, hitting option+apple+escape opens up task manager were you can kill an app like ctr+alt+delete on windows. As with most shortcuts on a mac you can hit shift in the mix and it will do a different but similar task, like this one. This 4 button thing therefore is