
I would hesitate to say “ill -served,” but yes, they are different, and it’s not great to take girls away from the valuable programming that Girl Scouts provides for girls- instead driving them towards BSA programming that remains largely unchanged in the last decades.

While BSA has religious roots, a history of

The problem is that the BSA has been dick-waving for decades while the GSA has truly stepped up in inclusivity and empowerment 

I was a kid in the 80s and Girl Scouts was the only time in my life that I saw and was encouraged to emulate women in leadership roles. Girl Scouts are girls and women. There is no one to talk over us, mansplain to us, or condescend to us. That is INCREDIBLY valuable and the reason my daughter is a Girl Scout and will

I’ll push back and say no, this isn’t fine. My Girl Scouting roots run deep (I happen to work for our regional GS Council) and the reason why I “freak out” is because the entire leadership experience that Girl Scouting is based upon is vastly different from what Boy Scouts do. I’m not saying it’s better or worse, just

The Silver Award in Girl Scouts is about equivalent to Eagle. However, Girl Scouts offer awards *beyond* Silver that are more involved and take greater leadership skill demonstration than Eagle does. But how many folks have heard of the Gold Award?

Because men do it disproportionately to women. They really, really do. And you’re a perfect example of the well, actually crowd by your comments.

I’ve literally never had a woman say that she’d like to play devil’s advocate to me before, with men its pretty frequent.

No, we’re not talking about clashing personalities. You can pretend that sexism is this rare, blatant thing, but we actually deal with it daily.

It only creates a divide when one group says, “we’re subject to this behavior to an unusually large degree,” and another group says, “well actually, it happens all the time to everyone, it’s happened to me and my subjective experience trumps yours or any data you can offer and you’re wrong and you’re creating a divide

It always has been. Men condescend disproportionately to women. Now that young women are, on average, more educated than men, and men are still explaining stuff we already know to us on a regular basis, this is getting named and called out.

Not to mention breaking into your house to watch you sleep before he’s your boyfriend.

Jenny Trout is amazing!! Glad to see a fellow fangirl, I also found her through her 50 Shades reviews... and even though I know it makes her soul shrivel, I admit I desperately wish she was recapping this piece of bullshirt book as well.

Didn’t Meyer also do a gender-swapped version of Twilight?

Her treatment of BDSM is great and there’s some steamy sex scenes, but she really likes putting her characters through the wringer! If you like your romances on the fluffy side, or if things like cancer and someone’s kid dying make it hard for you to enjoy sexy scenes, I wouldn’t really recommend ‘em. If, however, you

I’d like to recommend The Boss series by Jenny Trout! I’ve not read a whole book because BDSM romance isn’t totally my cup of tea, but the sample scenes she has on her blog are quite titillating. Also she read all three original 50 Shades books and tore apart exactly why they were so bad (and did the same to the first a dude

This is a poem that sums up so much of this experience:

I hate-watched the second movie with my mum after reading Lindy West’s review to end all reviews and we were both yelling at the screen before it had hit the halfway mark in what was possibly the most excruciating two hours of my life. In addition to the general white affluent vacuous consumption and cultural cringe,

Someone needs to ask SJP if the 2nd SaTC film was a beautiful story. We need to know how good she is at gauging beautiful stories.

This is such an important point: the fact that the richest country in the world is using resources that could have gone to other countries is worse than embarrassing. It should be criminal.