
It varies by state. From what I understand, Texas is hard even on name changes for married women and people who live out of state (on state IDs/drivers licenses), so I have a feeling it is nearly impossible to get your gender changed on your birth certificate or drivers license in Texas.

They all have other jobs. This system has okay intentions (preventing “career” politicians), but it’s pretty awful in practice, because it means that essentially only doctors, lawyers, and wealthy businessmen get to be politicians in Texas (though back when I worked in the legislature, they had at least one social

LOL I got about a third of the way in, stopped it, and called my SO to watch it with me. I have since shared it with people every chance that I get. I am a Baby Cobra evangelist (also What We Do In the Shadows, but that’s another conversation).

“That’s when you know you’ve made it. When you’re eating mango that was sliced by a white guy named Noah.”

I also saw that video, and wouldn’t Cersei’s living conditions more closely match European women from the 1800s than a contemporary woman? Plus, it’s more likely that the writers will go along with “general knowledge” (however factually incorrect it may be) over poring over research on female fertility for one plot

But didn’t Jon burn Ygritte’s body? I can’t remember if that was just in the books now.

I actually got more emotional about this scene than I did about the bigger Stark reunion. It is so huge for both Brienne and Arya to see bits of themselves in other women. Like I could watch the Brienne, Arya, and Podrick show all day.

And those stupid transition scenes between food/skinning people alive/diarrhea cleanup in all of Sam’s scenes. I was just glad we didn’t get that in this episode.

Or at least some dang consistency among the timelines. I mean, if we’re supposed to believe Euron sailed all around Westeros to get from King’s Landing to Casterly Rock, then Arya should be in Winterfell by now.

No love for Samwell Potter and the Cure for Grayscale? I mean, he got a stern lecture from Archmaester Slughorn and detention and everything!

Yes, Davos told Jon about it, and Jon told Melisandre to GTFO and that he would kill her if he ever saw her again (I believe).

And the timing of that confession was perfection! “Is this going to hurt? No? Ok, btw it was totally me who killed your son.” I’m actually surprised Jaime didn’t pull out his sword right then (character growth?).

Now playing

I’m sorry, someone else already has the market on sci-fi music tie-ins cornered:

Yes, when I worked at a large state university library, a group of Mormon missionaries used to hang out in front of the study room area and scope out international students to prey upon. They were not students themselves, so they weren’t allowed to rent out rooms, and they frequently used international students to

As someone who was forced to take what the Texas public education system calls “world geography,” this doesn’t even surprise me. (Long story, I attended an international school abroad for most of my education and finished it in Texas. That last year was just awful.)

I literally asked my boyfriend the same question last night. It has bothered me so much since I read the books.

I’m glad I’m not the only one getting some real HP vibes from Sam’s education. I mean, you brought Jim Broadbent in, there’s a freaking restricted section of the library, AND you have a young person bucking the traditional lines of authority to do what’s right? (Also agreed on the grossness level. I for real thought

Agreed that they are more fully fleshed out characters. I’m not mad that the Sand Snakes were killed, more that the show fell into the same trap with Dorne that the books did, spending entirely too much precious real estate on characters just to have a “rocks fall, everyone dies” moment. I start to get really ranty

So. Many. Bodily. Fluids.

And a whole eleventy-billion chapters on Quentyn Martell, setting him up as a big player AND THEN HE SETS HIMSELF ON FIRE BY POKING A DRAGON AND DIES. Sorry, I get real heated when I think of all the prime book real estate wasted on so. many. side. plots.