
mmmhmm that is extra crispy right there

“OK sure, what’s the worst that could happen?”

so let me get this straight, these damn players want to sue because of their dependence on drugs but want to smoke pot everyday too. got it.

This is a classic monopsony situation, but the issue ultimately is in whether you can argue whether this is an unreasonable restraint of trade or earnings. The league has won that argument over and over again.

Yeah, because Coors is sooooo much better....

They probably would accept a UN governed transition state in which Chinese authorities are heavily in control of the vast majority of the country, and in which they collaboratively work with the US and South Korea. Think something like East-West Berlin in the Cold War, but friendlier.

I do wonder about the late Roman Army, though, in that it seems as if they were tactically pretty damn good but strategically overmatched. Was the fall of the state the reason for the fall of the Roman Army, or was it the other way around? For all the talk of the barbarization of the legions, it seemed as if defence

Terminus I believe was in rural North Georgia/South Carolina. That shit went down after the collapse of the prison. Remember, Abraham and co. were found there halfway from Texas to DC or something like that.

The Walking Dead kills HBO. HBO is culturally relevant because of its high quality product, but most people just don’t have it because its not cheap. Cable shows almost always beat HBO shows.

I don’t buy the student (amateur) athlete angle either. These guys are paid with a free education and room and board.

I am a typical american sports fan. I played soccer as a kid and have not given two shits about it being played professionally...ever. I have friends that have gotten into “premier league” and other crap like that, but I would rather talk to people about the new color swatches hitting Sherwin Williams next spring.

To Whom It May Concern,

I’m writing to express my interest in your open position of head coach of the U.S. Men’s National Team and Technical Director. I think you’ll find that my experience perfectly matches up with the needs of your program. As a coach, I have won not only the Astonishingly Shiny Cup of All Cups in

There seems to be this idea that urbanization and building more affordable urban housing is the way of the future.

I love the fact that this dribble has little trouble making it through the deadspin censorship machine (i.e., “pending approval”), but whenever I post a substantive counterpoint with a conservative take, I never seem to make it past the “pending approval” Nazis. I don’t expect to see this reply actually get approved,

No idea how he got a hold of Louisiana Senate candidate David Duke’s speech.

Judging by his moves so far tonight, Maddon’s a wreck too.

or...or they are preparing for the worst possible outcome just in case?

There is no way Gronk did not love this.

Ugh, stupid No Fun League, always promoting the pussification of this game.