
They should not panic yet. This is a Presidential Year with more attention on the race than most before. If they see sustained ratings drops in the next year, it would be worth worrying about.

I still remember him actually going to where people were dying during Katrina and making the point that it was a moral outrage that the state and city weren’t helping those people.

Why keep it up, though? PR damage control is all about not mitigating or reversing a bad event but rather pretending it never happened by bringing a speedy conclusion to the event.

Another “redshirt” year, huh?

The team clearly has no idea how to handle them. The Maras seem to expect everyone will just be professional and go about their business, and yet the Giants are always dealing with problems like this. The number of times Brandon Jacobs got baited into saying stupid shit by the media was abhorrent.

They need success. Tampa Bay has great attendance, but its not like that when they are terrible.

He’d find a way to blame the EEEEEEVVVVVIIIIILLLL authorities in FIFA for concussions that resulted from Shea’s dangerous lack of hair grooming.

Lets be honest. Anyone who willingly takes an African American studies class probably isn’t there for useful education.

Bit slow on the uptake, there.


The technical part of development has always been an issue, of course.

I don’t know how they let it get this bad. Everybody was talking about how cool our young guys were and how they totally were ready to shoulder the load. Meanwhile, Bradley just looked bad at times last game, and the back line hasn’t been good in years. I am starting to wonder if they pushed some guys out the door a

It definitely is a horrifying prospect. When faced with what Russia’s proxies were in Ukraine, they were going to have a relatively easy time of it in urban combat and a difficult time once they got out into the countryside, where Ukrainian troops, with their superior mobility but inferior small arms and horrible

Selective strikes impair mobility, cause casualties, disrupt unit formations, stop assaults, and create a habitat of fear among the enemy’s entire front. But they do not change facts on the ground about who owns what and who controls what.

The Iron Dome is a civil defense system applied for an entire country. The US has something a lot better than the Iron Dome, which is complete control of our airspace and all other airspace nearby, along with no hostile quasi-state actors within rocket range of our cities, and probably the best air defenses in the

Well, then why not deploy a bunch of sneaker wearing Marines?


Jordan is probably the most westernised of Middle Eastern countries, but its not English. It has a massive Scottish influence. The two things that are common at Jordanian weddings are guns fired into the air (Arab tradition) and bagpipes (from the Scots). The Guards units in their army have kilts for parades, as well.

I mean, Goodell himself has indicated that being the discipline czar is time consuming and counterproductive when there are a lot of other things he has to deal with as well.

I mean, its still better than Michael Kidd-Gilchrist’s, an actual NBA player.