Does anyone really care what the hookers in the Playboy Mansion write?
Does anyone really care what the hookers in the Playboy Mansion write?
You aren’t yet a woman, girly. You may never be.
Do you really need to drag race into everything? Give it a rest already.
What “specifics” did I claim?
Of course he is, and if she ever gets any money, he should sue her anal-loving ass right the hell back to poverty.
She was clearly not assaulted and is milking this sick side show for all it’s worth. She trolled you right in.
Can’t argue with the desire to see the cop fired, but isn’t there usually a process the department must go through?
The opinion of nearly everyone here is biased, and mostly in the opposite direction. So what? Do you get after all of them for having an opinion? Of course not. It fits yours.
If only you knew what a trol was, you wouldn’t look so silly.
Do I need to be to judge the circumstantial evidence (or complete lack thereof on her side)? She’s trolled in the entirely rape hysteria movement and someday might admit that.
Outdated misogyistic views of women? I do realize that younger women have changed - you’re bigger babies and more entitled to pussy passes than previous generations. You want to whine for everything and have it handed to you on a silver platter - not like your moms.
Emma needs a good ass-fucking. She said so herself.
Then don’t use the $10 word that implies something else.
Only a member of your choir would consider this as moving the message forward.
When there actually IS a victim, quite true. She isn’t one.
Yes we know, you can always make up an excuse for a woman.
So is OverkillKillah, silly.
Your name must be Sulkowicz to defend this crap.
She’s been pretending from the beginning. She’s a loon.
Hate an entire gender? I love women. Just not silly ones like those who support Porn Whoring Mattress Girl.