Red Guard

Investigated for free speech, a question, and an unpopular opinion?

Then they need to be sent back.

Who cares what they WANT? Are they refugees or tourists?

Women benefit just as much, dear.

So every guy you date is making $1 to your .77 due to the patriarchy?

And as much as I like him, he isn’t.

No, they didn’t. They gave a refund.

Why? They had a contract, and the other party failed.

The white man made them do it.

Have you seen the black justification for slavery in Africa? That’s what they do.

Why do you want them to tell half-truths?

Because that’s hyperbole. It wasn’t, and why should there be an apology. Nobody writing the textbook was there.


What?? The black kids aren’t back then, and have no more idea what it was like than the white kids.

It would have been seen that way almost everywhere back then.

So much whining over a kids book. You even whine over the paragraph that indicates that the slaves were knowledgable instead of the brute savages you apprently think they should have been described as.

Damn that bitch is getting FAT.

And many gay men think women are the worst. Aren’t you cute.

I’m so sobbing for you right now.

That has got to be the stupidest false equivilancy I have EVER seen. Get a clue or go home, Indian.