That isn’t Hollywood calling, that’s the Valley calling. Porn capital of the world.
That isn’t Hollywood calling, that’s the Valley calling. Porn capital of the world.
I agree, but I think that you’re missing is the #femaleprivilege in this situation. Had the genders of the perpetraitor and the victim been switched, we would have seen a completely different outcome. For one, women get lighter sentences than men in general. Even more important is the fact that due to extremely flawed…
I hate this woman.
Oh man..this is not a court of law here.
LOL persecution is not being allowed to persecute. Oh, Ted, you fucking moron.
One can do both you know...
‘ a short speech about Christian values, persecution, etc’
I lean towards blobfish. But melted candle works too.
First, the lawsuit ... a guy named Edson Ricci claims LiLo owes him $26,400 for transportation services he performed for Lindsay ...
You are a truth teller.
honestly the thing I'm most surprised about is that this is in California and some helicopter parent hasn’t had him banned for "endangering their precious snowflake"
World Domination “Economics”.
Hilarious that feminists are for abortion, against rape, and yet somehow love cats.
<sincerity>I hope so too. </sincerity>
it’s safe to say that identity politics ends up eating itself (see: the creation of “white feminism)
What clout? Who are the “leaders” accountable to? How are their strategies in line with the materiel interests of working class Black folks, who consistently show economic concerns - which you claim “leftier than lefty types” only give a shit about? Where’s the recall election for electd officials who don’t hold the…
Every movement needs a rallying point. But Michael Brown wasn’t an innocent victim shot down in the prime of his life. He was a thief, a bully, and attacked an officer. He paid the ultimate price, but it was the direct result of the choices he made. Perhaps the Black Lives Matter movement should focus on the cycle of…
Oh look, another race article Gawker. Don’t you racists have anything better to blog about?
“Sanders wasn’t really seen as all that serious a candidate until Black Lives Matter blew him up”
everyone’s over at the josh duggar ashley madison post. That’s what happens what Gawker tries to be gossip and social justice at the same time